Sooo?… What are you implying exactly? Should we not have the 2nd amendment then? Should we restrict alcohol and cars too, because drunk drivers exist? You're always gonna have people that abuse their rights, but thats no reason to deny everyone of those rights. You're trying to blame our laws for allowing the killer to shoot those poor people, and it's ridiculous. Why not abandon all logic, and just blame his mother for the murders by giving birth to him. The killer and only the killer is directly responsible for this.
ok let's make this short so then answer me this one : who is responsible for making it possible for the killer to get a gun?
what is really ridiculous here is letting anyone to have a gun and let this kind of rampage continue…
No no no, I did not say he was more ill than Ed Gein, I said he was NO more ill than Ed Gein, etc. Still, I have NO clue at all what Bush has to do with any of that….
oh ok… well it ends up being the same…
well let's say Bush could make gun regulations, but since he's a killer himself he won't do it…
The Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 19, 2005, Vol. 293, No. 3, p. 298, reported on the leading causes of death in the United States:
Tobacco (435,000 deaths; 18.1% of total US deaths)
Poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000 deaths; 16.6%)
Alcohol consumption (85,000 deaths; 3.5%)
(Note: 16,653 deaths from alcohol-related vehicle crashes are included in both Alcohol consumption above and Motor vehicle crashes below.)
Microbial agents (75,000)
Toxic agents (55,000)
Motor vehicle crashes (43,000)(see Note above)
Incidents involving firearms (29,000)
Sexual behaviors (STDs, hepatitis B and C, and cervical cancer) (20,000)
Illicit use of drugs (17,000) did you answer a question with a question? Tell me, WhatÂs the most deadly thing from the list above? Alcohol has killed more than firearms, at least in 2000. Tougher gun laws would not have stopped this. He could have used a knife, even a sword. Has anyone here heard of the 21 foot rule? Surprisingly bullet proof vests do not stop knives. The 21 foot rule is taught to law enforcement that a sharp edged weapon is deadly within 21 feet., should we have tougher laws for those that buy knives, or beer? Tougher gun regulations wouldn't have stopped this. The kid was clean, crazy, but clean. So, instead of just saying “ better regulations blah blah blah, idiot country blah blah blah” what do you propose the solution is?
Its sad this has gone from talking about 32 people that lost their lives, to a blame bush and gun law debate.