Virginia Tech Shooting

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

The thing about college campuses is that frankly, they are TO OPEN. I mean you can walk onto one and kill somebody in a dorm/frat house, then nobody knows you were there if the campus is large. I think ALL campuses should have walls and one or two exits/entrances with guards on duty 24/7.

The dorm that Hui shot those two people in had card access only… even the best security can only go so far… he had open access, being a student.

This f***ing idiot is so pathetic. He looks like he couldn't get a date to save his life and then talks this shit and has NO respect for the 32 dead. I can't stand people like this. (*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant)

Yeah, it's utterly pathetic. He earned that visit by the Boston Police, and hopefully he'll have earned some time away from the general public.

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

Fome, fyi the government doesn't let just anyone own a gun. This guy got his guns legally, because even though he was a spooky bastard he had NO prior criminal history.

ok he got his gun legally, but then, who makes that legal?

I DO think gun laws should be more strict/thorough, but law-abiding citizens have the flat-out right to bear arms, no doubt.

yes gun laws should definitely be more strict, but it is not that way and there's the problem : by giving the flat-out right to citizens to bear guns it makes “spooky bastards” to get one and then go on a killing rampage

And let's not get distracted from this issue, by ranting on about Bush for example. I'm sick of the guy too, but really now, come one, what the hell does he have to do with this??…

sorry I should have been more specific… it's because you described the killer as “evil to the max” and made a comparison that he was “more ”ill“ than Ed Gein (Leatherface), or Charles Manson, or Saddam Hussein”

If you wish to continue that point then I advice continuing it in a new, separate topic… I feel this thread shouldn't be used for airing grievances against George Bush and the American government no matter how valid they may be.

do not worry I think I've said enough *huge weight suddenly on my back*

thought it fitted because of StayinPuft's comment since 2X as many Americans have died in April in Iraq compared with Virginia Tech… and unlike Virginia Tech, the killing of Americans in Iraq is still going on…

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 10 months ago

yes gun laws should definitely be more strict, but it is not that way and there's the problem : by giving the flat-out right to citizens to bear guns it makes “spooky bastards” to get one and then go on a killing rampage

Sooo?… What are you implying exactly? Should we not have the 2nd amendment then? Should we restrict alcohol and cars too, because drunk drivers exist? You're always gonna have people that abuse their rights, but thats no reason to deny everyone of those rights. You're trying to blame our laws for allowing the killer to shoot those poor people, and it's ridiculous. Why not abandon all logic, and just blame his mother for the murders by giving birth to him. The killer and only the killer is directly responsible for this.

sorry I should have been more specific… it's because you described the killer as “evil to the max” and made a comparison that he was “more ”ill“ than Ed Gein (Leatherface), or Charles Manson, or Saddam Hussein”

No no no, I did not say he was more ill than Ed Gein, I said he was NO more ill than Ed Gein, etc. Still, I have NO clue at all what Bush has to do with any of that….

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

Sooo?… What are you implying exactly? Should we not have the 2nd amendment then? Should we restrict alcohol and cars too, because drunk drivers exist? You're always gonna have people that abuse their rights, but thats no reason to deny everyone of those rights. You're trying to blame our laws for allowing the killer to shoot those poor people, and it's ridiculous. Why not abandon all logic, and just blame his mother for the murders by giving birth to him. The killer and only the killer is directly responsible for this.

ok let's make this short so then answer me this one : who is responsible for making it possible for the killer to get a gun?

what is really ridiculous here is letting anyone to have a gun and let this kind of rampage continue…

No no no, I did not say he was more ill than Ed Gein, I said he was NO more ill than Ed Gein, etc. Still, I have NO clue at all what Bush has to do with any of that….

oh ok… well it ends up being the same…

well let's say Bush could make gun regulations, but since he's a killer himself he won't do it…

by Mufasa

17 years, 10 months ago

Sooo?… What are you implying exactly? Should we not have the 2nd amendment then? Should we restrict alcohol and cars too, because drunk drivers exist? You're always gonna have people that abuse their rights, but thats no reason to deny everyone of those rights. You're trying to blame our laws for allowing the killer to shoot those poor people, and it's ridiculous. Why not abandon all logic, and just blame his mother for the murders by giving birth to him. The killer and only the killer is directly responsible for this.

ok let's make this short so then answer me this one : who is responsible for making it possible for the killer to get a gun?

what is really ridiculous here is letting anyone to have a gun and let this kind of rampage continue…

No no no, I did not say he was more ill than Ed Gein, I said he was NO more ill than Ed Gein, etc. Still, I have NO clue at all what Bush has to do with any of that….

oh ok… well it ends up being the same…

well let's say Bush could make gun regulations, but since he's a killer himself he won't do it…

The Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 19, 2005, Vol. 293, No. 3, p. 298, reported on the leading causes of death in the United States:

Tobacco (435,000 deaths; 18.1% of total US deaths)

Poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000 deaths; 16.6%)

Alcohol consumption (85,000 deaths; 3.5%)

(Note: 16,653 deaths from alcohol-related vehicle crashes are included in both Alcohol consumption above and Motor vehicle crashes below.)

Microbial agents (75,000)

Toxic agents (55,000)

Motor vehicle crashes (43,000)(see Note above)

Incidents involving firearms (29,000)

Sexual behaviors (STDs, hepatitis B and C, and cervical cancer) (20,000)

Illicit use of drugs (17,000)

Why did you answer a question with a question? Tell me, What’s the most deadly thing from the list above? Alcohol has killed more than firearms, at least in 2000. Tougher gun laws would not have stopped this. He could have used a knife, even a sword. Has anyone here heard of the 21 foot rule? Surprisingly bullet proof vests do not stop knives. The 21 foot rule is taught to law enforcement that a sharp edged weapon is deadly within 21 feet.

So, should we have tougher laws for those that buy knives, or beer? Tougher gun regulations wouldn't have stopped this. The kid was clean, crazy, but clean. So, instead of just saying “ better regulations blah blah blah, idiot country blah blah blah” what do you propose the solution is?

Its sad this has gone from talking about 32 people that lost their lives, to a blame bush and gun law debate.

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

well let's say Bush could make gun regulations, but since he's a killer himself he won't do it…

Enough! This is why people don't usually talk political on forums.

If you want to bash bush, start a new thread. Don't do it in this topic.

Its sad this has gone from talking about 32 people that lost their lives, to a blame bush and gun law debate.

Agreed… as unfortunate, and deeply an unfair subject it is… it'd be best to return to it.

The news rounds have now announced (as of yesterday) that Hui's familiy had released a statement… I wish I could begin to imagine how hard it must be for them to hear, and accept that their child did what he did. In some ways the unspoken victims of the tragedy… (whilst there may have been some family based stuff that led to his break, it's not known so far… and might be best never being known).

Unfortunately, Jack Thompson has now launched onto the tragedy, and has demanded Bill Gates shut down the CounterStrike servers, claiming said game lead to the shootings.

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

The Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 19, 2005, Vol. 293, No. 3, p. 298, reported on the leading causes of death in the United States

thank you for pointing out all that useful information but not because a guy who got himself a gun and killed 32 people or “Incidents involving firearms” is not on top of the list means that action should not be taken to avoid these terrible things to happen over and over

what I mean is that I understand that it is not on top of the list but the deaths of those 32 people were not caused by tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, microbial agents, toxic agents, motor vehicle crashes, sexual behaviors or the illicit use of drugs, they were caused because somebody got a gun and shot them

now, taking action means doing something about it, but sadly nothing will ever be done so me talking about that is wasting time and getting bashed

Its sad this has gone from talking about 32 people that lost their lives, to a blame bush and gun law debate.

blame me for speaking the truth… ok I'm gone I guess I've said enough…

but can anyone else in here agree with the fact that it is also sad to see all those who have lost their lives for Bush's ambition on oil?

Enough! This is why people don't usually talk political on forums.

If you want to bash bush, start a new thread. Don't do it in this topic.

now, Ben, what's with this “enough” talk? I'm gone from the board for a whole week because actually I'm kind of sick of always having you on my back, and I come back to discuss on something and, as usual, you are on my back again… will this ever stop?

I am not trying to bash Bush, if I name him is because he being the president means that he could do something about this tragedy instead of just going on tv and wish prayers to their families… is that actually going to stop something like this from happening again? the answer is no

you all make me look like I don't care about all this when if I am here taking time on writing something is because I'm just as concerned as some of you might be… but I'm going away again so sayonara…

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

now, Ben, what's with this “enough” talk? I'm gone from the board for a whole week because actually I'm kind of sick of always having you on my back, and I come back to discuss on something and, as usual, you are on my back again… will this ever stop?

You got me on your back by launching a political tirade when the best thing would've not to have even mentioned it. As far as we're aware Hui purchased the guns legally and as he had no prior criminal record there was nothing the gun store guy knew.

Although Whilst I thought there were also notes on previous mental history… I don't know if that was the case.

I am not trying to bash Bush, if I name him is because he being the president means that he could do something about this tragedy instead of just going on tv and wish prayers to their families… is that actually going to stop something like this from happening again? the answer is no

What would you like him to do? He's the leader of the largest nation of the free world but I think some people have a unfair idea of just what he has to spend his time on.

But the point is, I felt it showed an extreme lack of judgement to make a tirade about Bush and Iraq, which are always gonna get one reaction or another in a topic dedicated to a tragedy. You had the right to denounce him, or shoot down his policy in a fresh topic… but not this one. For the moment until the news gives us an idea there wasn't much to bolster an attack of America's gun laws…

And I did feel that the comments along the lines of “Bush is a murderer” and:

but can anyone else in here agree with the fact that it is also sad to see all those who have lost their lives for Bush's ambition on oil?
-were really inappropriate and unjustified in this context. This incident wasn't caused by an ‘ambition on oil’.

you all make me look like I don't care about all this when if I am here taking time on writing something is because I'm just as concerned as some of you might be… but I'm going away again so sayonara…

I think you do care… but there are times when things are better left unsaid.

This concludes your dictatorial overlord's message for today.

by hutch2426

17 years, 10 months ago

I'm sorry to have to post this, but Fome what you say about another country and there political figures should be based on fact not an opinion why we are there(IRAQ). I find it truly disrespectful that someone who has never been to another country fighting for the people in it, or the man beside him, could say such things. I have served in afghanistan once and iraq three times with my unit in the U.S. Marines and i have to say, think before you write things that may offend the families and the people that are serving, or that have served in the time of war. Again I am sorry, but I needed to say something about this.

by stayinpuft1

17 years, 10 months ago

Alcohol has killed more than firearms, at least in 2000. Tougher gun laws would not have stopped this. He could have used a knife, even a sword. Has anyone here heard of the 21 foot rule?

First, I think one could argue that more people drink alcohol than own guns and that it is more easily accessible than guns. Also it doesn't take a psychopath to drink a beer and then get behind the wheel of a car. It does take one to murder/comitt suicide with a gun; therefore your argument is pretty rediculous. Also, do you honestly think that a 5'7 140(?) South Korean could really run into a room and kill 32 people with a knife? Maybe if it was a room at a senior's centre…

Ghoulishfright said (I don't know how to do quotes)that the killer had NO criminal record… The fact is he DID have a record, you don't get arrested for stalking, goto court, have the judge declare you ‘volitile’ and a ‘high risk’, then get sent to a booby hatch for a year WITHOUT a record…. The point is, even with ALL that on his record, gun laws are still loose enough to allow a person like him to LEGALLY get a gun… THAT'S the problem with the system… Remember that ep of the Simpsons when Homer gets a gun and he has a background check… And the teller says ‘well you’ve been in a mental institution… …frequent problems with alcohol… …beat up President Bush!'[stamps sheet with ‘Potentially Dangerous’… ‘Relax, that just means you’re limited to 3 handguns or less…'