I'm sorry to have to post this, but Fome what you say about another country and there political figures should be based on fact not an opinion why we are there(IRAQ). I find it truly disrespectful that someone who has never been to another country fighting for the people in it, or the man beside him, could say such things. I have served in afghanistan once and iraq three times with my unit in the U.S. Marines and i have to say, think before you write things that may offend the families and the people that are serving, or that have served in the time of war. Again I am sorry, but I needed to say something about this.
don't be sorry
but saying that people should not kill each other is not being disrespectful
then again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, or you, but it never was my intention… I do think before writing something and I would never write something if I didn't had concrete sources to what I'm writing about… I also definitely understand that it's not the same thing being there as you did as to me who has never been there, but ask yourself, why is people really sent there to fight for, or even die for? the real why of this war?
if you want something based on a fact and not my opinion hear what president Bush said here at 1 minute and 11 seconds
You got me on your back by launching a political tirade when the best thing would've not to have even mentioned it.
ok, but then, why are you asking me to make a whole new thread if you don't want me to talk about this? you seem as contradictory as president Bush above with your statement Ben
anyhow, you are always on my back no matter what I post or say (no hard feelings)
now, nobody in here is fighting, we are all civilized, discussing something and giving out different opinions… maybe for some of you my opinions seemed out of context but ok, if you all want to go back on topic and really understand, here, read this :
The point is, even with ALL that on his record, gun laws are still loose enough to allow a person like him to LEGALLY get a gun… THAT'S the problem with the system…
that was exactly my point (thank you StayinPuft) plus the fact that something needs to be imposed to prevent these kinds of tragedies from happening again, and if I mentioned Bush in the first place is because he definitely could do something about it if he really wanted to
and i say 32 not 33 because the killer deserves to be dead
honestly, nobody really deserved to die