Virginia Tech Shooting

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

I'm sorry to have to post this, but Fome what you say about another country and there political figures should be based on fact not an opinion why we are there(IRAQ). I find it truly disrespectful that someone who has never been to another country fighting for the people in it, or the man beside him, could say such things. I have served in afghanistan once and iraq three times with my unit in the U.S. Marines and i have to say, think before you write things that may offend the families and the people that are serving, or that have served in the time of war. Again I am sorry, but I needed to say something about this.

don't be sorry

but saying that people should not kill each other is not being disrespectful

then again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, or you, but it never was my intention… I do think before writing something and I would never write something if I didn't had concrete sources to what I'm writing about… I also definitely understand that it's not the same thing being there as you did as to me who has never been there, but ask yourself, why is people really sent there to fight for, or even die for? the real why of this war?

if you want something based on a fact and not my opinion hear what president Bush said here at 1 minute and 11 seconds

You got me on your back by launching a political tirade when the best thing would've not to have even mentioned it.

ok, but then, why are you asking me to make a whole new thread if you don't want me to talk about this? you seem as contradictory as president Bush above with your statement Ben

anyhow, you are always on my back no matter what I post or say (no hard feelings)

now, nobody in here is fighting, we are all civilized, discussing something and giving out different opinions… maybe for some of you my opinions seemed out of context but ok, if you all want to go back on topic and really understand, here, read this :

The point is, even with ALL that on his record, gun laws are still loose enough to allow a person like him to LEGALLY get a gun… THAT'S the problem with the system…

that was exactly my point (thank you StayinPuft) plus the fact that something needs to be imposed to prevent these kinds of tragedies from happening again, and if I mentioned Bush in the first place is because he definitely could do something about it if he really wanted to

and i say 32 not 33 because the killer deserves to be dead

honestly, nobody really deserved to die

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

I also definitely understand that it's not the same thing being there as you did as to me who has never been there, but ask yourself, why is people really sent there to fight for, or even die for? the real why of this war?

Enough about the goddam war. It had nothing, nothing to do with Virginia Tech. It was not related to the tragedy and didn't need to be brought up.

You got your point across already.

ok, but then, why are you asking me to make a whole new thread if you don't want me to talk about this? you seem as contradictory as president Bush above with your statement Ben

I ask you because whilst I know how it'd go down… you can still post politics posts on this forum (I apologise if I gave you the impression that you couldn't talk any type of politics in this forum… but just don't do it in this particular topic). I'm asking you to start a new topic because the War in Iraq, and your feelings of such don't relate to the tragedy of Virginia Tech. Hui's actions were not some the consequences of America's actions according to somebody's beliefs… they were the actions of someone who was mentally and emotionally unstable.

This has nothing to do with me ‘being on your back’, don't bring that into this and don't make it everyone else's business when they don't need to be made a part of it.

now, nobody in here is fighting, we are all civilized, discussing something and giving out different opinions… maybe for some of you my opinions seemed out of context but ok, if you all want to go back on topic and really understand, here, read this :

It was bringing up the War in Iraq and ‘Bush’s agenda' that likely spurred most people to react the way they did.

Now, as for how Hui got the guns… I don't know, but as easy as it is to believe the gun store was at fault… there's also the chance it was on the medical end… we can't really say it's one person's fault until the newspapers give us an idea of what might've happened. Should the gun seller have been at fault, it doesn't mean every weapons distributor will do the exact same thing.

We can't just say that all gun sellers are bad, unprofessional, evil people… we also can't say they're all law abiding citizens… it's like the political parties, they get labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but in reality they're a wide and diverse mix of both… neither is truely ‘good’ or ‘evil’.

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

Ben, I clearly explained why I mentioned Bush… and don't worry I'm done

by stayinpuft1

17 years, 10 months ago

I don't think the real shame here is that Bush ‘isn’t doing anything'… He and the Republicans aren't for gun control and never will be… The REAL shame is that the democrats who ARE pro gun control spent the last week completely mum on the subject… None of the major Dem Presidential candidates want to touch it with a 10 metre cattle prod. Unfortunately the climate in the United States right now is that the majority of the voters probably don't want gun control… Combined with the powerful gun lobby any legislation is impossible… For the past couple weeks I've heard conservative commentators deny that America has a gun culture and I think that that proves that there IS a gun culture, they just don't recognize it as a bad thing… So again, I don't blame Bush for not wanting more gun control, that has never been his stance nor will it ever be, I do however blame the Democrats for being so quiet. You'd think that following the past few elections the Democrats would know by now that not holding a firm stance on an issue is far worse than taking a firm stance! A large part of Americans (around 60%) don't agree with Bush's policies, so I don't understand why the Dems continue to hide… John Kerry lost because he wouldn't commit to anything and I think if they did create a more ideological driven base (like the GOP) they could actually WIN elections (and not just by a slim margin like I believe will happen in '08). Well gee, I was totally gonna avoid the whole Bush/Iraq War thing when I started posting on this thread, but now look what happened….