VOTE: Fan Project Consultants

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 5 months ago

If teh person running it an all the active franchises have moved, I do think that supports a decison to cease the existence of the forum, especially since GBI has their own website now….

by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

If teh person running it an all the active franchises have moved, I do think that supports a decison to cease the existence of the forum, especially since GBI has their own website now….

Yeah, I agree with JesusFreak. I will link to the GBI forum, I think that it should be run by the folks who are running GBI. Especially when you consider how specialized GBI is.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 5 months ago

fancy..I guess, didnt expect to get my name up there, honored I am.

Heck, if I win this, I just may go back to NOMAD… hey, vote for me if you want

by MasterSpider

21 years, 5 months ago

A vote on Chris Spade is a well placed vote, especially in this area. He's an organized guy and would do a good job.

Vote Spade! :-)

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 5 months ago

heh, vote spade, I like it, I made some kick ass art and made some kick ass stories back in the day, itll be fancy if im a mod, thanks Tom!

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 5 months ago

Ok, we start selling my body parts at one vote a piece…own part of the unkillable Ronald E Daniels…just one vote for ChrisSpade :p

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 5 months ago

Voted for doc fritz even though i dont know the guy much he seems to be smack dab in the center of all that fan fic stuff so i figured he just seemed like the guy for the job.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 5 months ago

I was told i should “campaign”- here goes…

Hello all, I am Chris Spade, of the team fan fic N.O.M.A.D, we were pretty good, almost up there with Nightsquad, uh, I was the team's artist and I also wrote a few stories, and still have a few sitting waiting to be finished, Ive had my experiences in dealing with fics, I had a major story planned out, some of you veterans might remember it, never finished it tho, sorry guys, teams just sort of fell apart near the end of GBN, once everything is back together completley, maybe ill bring it back (with new revisions, and possibly all the old helpers), if I win. I felt like an arse when I took it away, but now i think everyone should be able to experience it. Anywho, back to campaigning, Ive worked amongst the greats, and as a fan fic writer myself, I understand that it is difficult to compare with others, but Im willing to help out anyone or any team that needs it. Rock on you guys, rock on

by M.Bison

21 years, 5 months ago

Vote Bison…..i give out banners for crying out loud! And I looooooove prop replicas, OSBORNE can attest to that. Plus im a fun guy and LOOOOOOOOVE prop replicas AND fan movies!!

by gbmasterman

21 years, 5 months ago

M. Bison wrote:
I looooooove prop replicas, OSBORNE can attest to that. Plus im a fun guy and LOOOOOOOOVE prop replicas AND fan movies!!
In case you didn't know Chad has decided to remove the prop forum and have us use asap instead. Unless he changes his mind it's not gunna be here.