WANTED: Compilation of: The Real Ghostbusters Cartoons

by kshamrockfan

21 years, 2 months ago

:-) I am in search of a complete compilation of all The Real Ghostbusters cartoons. Does anyone have a compailtion? I think there were around 190 episodes- no preference as to what medium they are on (Burnt DVD, VHS, etc..) thanks! - Please email me- jlongden@comcast.net

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

There were only 140 RGB episodes, DVD ares usually only fan made at this point, your best bet would be through eBay. Though, there is a team making some top ‘o’ the line fan DVDs, but they've been going only for a few weeks so far.

EDIT: As a future note, please don't make all of your post in bold.

EDIT2: Also, I wouldn't use your signature line as a request, but that's just me.