Wanted Ghostbusters songs and remixes , please help!!

by spengler11

18 years, 7 months ago

I am trying to find copies of all kinds of Ghostbusters remixes . I know many of you will say try music download sites like limewire , but I can't . My computer gets all messed up when I try to use them. Basically I have to right click on an mp3 song and “save target as” in order to copy somethig. But not all sites let me do this.

A while back, someone on here mentioned a GB site someone had and was posting up a bunch of remixes for free download , but I don't know if this ever happened. Here are some things I know I'm looking for:

Ghostbusters teaser trailer song
Bad Boyz DJ Team Ghostbusters '04 remixes (all 6 of them)
Ghostbusters mash ups
Extreme Ghostbusters ending credits version 2
and any thing else.

If anyone one knows of any GB sites or any place else to download this and more, please let me know. Thank you

by Delta_Unit

18 years, 7 months ago

i have found a lot of thing that have take a long time to found something :-( so i have found punk cover, techno, rock soundtrack if you want it add me to msn!

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Erm, this is the marketplace… where people ask for things to buy.

by spengler11

18 years, 7 months ago

I would pay somone to make me a copy of a bunch of stuff if they had a decent amout of it. (*egon)

by GhostToast

18 years, 7 months ago

by Omoplata

18 years, 6 months ago

if someone wants to host songs, just go to yousendit.com, 25 download limit or 7 days, whichever happens first. this way we can all get it and less PMing.