Wanted Ray, Egon, and Winston 12" Figures

by OptimusFord

13 years, 7 months ago

So it's ok for you to buy a toy at 20 dollars and then ask 70 for it, but it is unethical for me to ask a person who bought a toy at 60 to ask if he/she would like to sell it at a lower price?

You might be from State College but I think you need to take a trip to the Harrisburg State Hospital.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

So it's ok for you to buy a toy at 20 dollars and then ask 70 for it, but it is unethical for me to ask a person who I'm hoping is in need of money and will thus sell the toy for less while hoping I can sell it for more eventually?

You might be from State College but I think you need to take a trip to the Harrisburg State Hospital.

First of all, you should really stop trying to make jokes. You suck at it.

Second of all, I corrected your post for you. You keep trying to simplify my point down to the business end of it, which I've already said is not the problem.

You're trying to prey on someone who is in need of money, in the hopes that you can buy the figures for less, and then you're hoping that one day, when you are in need of money (THE EXACT SITUATION OF THE PERSON YOU'RE HOPING SELLS THEM TO YOU NOW FOR LESS), that you can sell the figures for profit.

Profiting from selling merchandise is not unethical. Buying something at its original price, waiting for demand to go up, and selling it for the current market value is not unethical.

Hoping that when you are in the exact same situation as the person you're hoping to buy these figures from, that you aren't taken advantage of by someone such as yourself is unethical.

Now go ahead and try and simplify it again, and don't forget to throw in your own slice of witty pie about where I live or what classes I took in high school, all the while continuing to embarrass yourself further and further.

The best part of this all is, you're not going to sucker anyone into selling these to you for less, and you're going to end up paying full price, like the rest of us did, on Thursday so that you have the set and can have them as collateral to sell eventually (NOTE: NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT).

Still would love to see all these eBay auctions that you claim exist where all of the figures you're looking for are selling for less… cuz I'm also wondering, if that's happening, why you aren't buying them for less than $60 on there instead of trying to convince a member of this board to do so for you. Hmmm, interesting.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 7 months ago

I'm done talking to two face.

If anyone is interested in selling their 12" Ray, Egon or Winston for less than what Matty will be selling them for later this week send me a PM.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

I'm done talking to two face.

If anyone is interested in selling their 12" Ray, Egon or Winston for less than what Matty will be selling them for later this week send me a PM.

You're done talking to yourself? You're the one being two faced, trying to get someone to sell an item that is worth at least $60 to you for less simply because you hope they're in need of money. I'm not being two faced at all. I am up front about my business plan, and people are well aware of it. I have negotiated fair prices with everyone I have ever dealt with, and have sold to many board members with nothing but positive results. Oh, and I have arrangements with several board members to buy them exclusive US items and ship them to them at no cost whatsoever. You can try calling me two faced because you're out of witty responses and you have been caught trying to take advantage of a board member's predicament, but its not going to work. I'm not two faced. You are. Everyone here knows it, yourself included, which is why you're saying “I'm done talking to you” while trying to throw in a last ditch insult as if you're better than me.

Hey, to anyone who may actually consider selling their figures to this guy, sell them to me instead. I'll give you what you paid for them, rather than selling them at a loss to someone who's trying to take advantage of you, and then I'll find someone else in need of them, and give them to them for free. I'm 100% serious about this offer.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 7 months ago

So buying a PKE at 60 dollars and then asking for 150 is not taking advantage of someone who for whatever reason was not able to buy when Matty sold them?

Get over yourself.

by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 7 months ago

Considering the product is relatively new, very few people will want to sell it for less than the original pay price.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;171659
Considering the product is relatively new, very few people will want to sell it for less than the original pay price.
I agree with that but it never hurts to ask. I figure if someone wanted to sell all three with shipping for under the 180 the three will cost with shipping maybe something could be worked out. If not I'll get them when Matty releases them again since I work that afternoon.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

So buying a PKE at 60 dollars and then asking for 150 is not taking advantage of someone who for whatever reason was not able to buy when Matty sold them?

Get over yourself.

Considering you took high school business, you have a very poor grasp of “demand.”

You still can't understand this and it's frankly hilarious at this point. You want someone to be in need of money so that they will sell for less than it is worth but you're hoping that when you need money you can get market value and not have someone try to get you to sell for less than market value because then it's “not worth it to buy them.”

You need to get over yourself. You got caught trying to be a selfish jerk and you keep trying to turn it around on me to deflect attention away from yourself. Again, that's not going to work. I have a great reputation as a seller. I sell things for fair market price. I don't go around asking people to sell me something for less than it is worth so I can make more money.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 7 months ago

If you're intending on purchasing these figures to sell at a later date, presumably several years or more down the road, why not just settle with buying them at the regular price when Matty makes them available? Buy them now at 60 and you'll still be able to turn a hell of a profit many years down the road. Maybe double or triple what you originally paid depending on how Matty's line continues and how long you wait.

If you're looking for them cheap now it may appear to others that you're just looking to immediately turn around and sell them for an instant profit while the figures are still available from the dealer. You of course have the right to do so, but when you're asking for them cheaper and telling the community how you're planning on raising the price for your own gain, it doesn't sound reasonable while they're still readily available.

You're right, it doesn't hurt to ask. But in asking you should probably consider what other members are saying about how you're 99% unlikely to get them at a cheaper price. Even if someone with the figures were hard up for cash, they wouldn't sell them at less than 60 right now. It wouldn't make much sense. The more reasonable thing for them to do is wait until after they sell out from matty, then raise the price a bit to make a small profit. As mentioned before…supply and demand.

Either way I guess we should all just agree to disagree. I wish you the best with your profits, but if they're intended for a small future income in the event of job loss, injury, etc….I say just buy them at regular asking price now, hold on to them in storage, then get them out when they're needed and you'll definitely make money.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 7 months ago

Doctor Venkman;171662
I sell things for fair market price. I don't go around asking people to sell me something for less than it is worth so I can make more money.

No you do the opposite. Selling something for triple does not make you a good seller, it just makes you smart enough to know when to buy and sell. There is nothing wrong with asking someone if they'd like to sell their items cheaper, no one has to. Same as no one has to buy your items. I don't understand why you can not see that me asking to buy something cheaper then retail is not much different than you asking someone to pay three times the price for something.

If no one is interested in selling their items that is fine I'll get them on Friday but if someone is send me a pm.