wanted: Real ghostbusters Ecto 1A for sale or trade?

by erikghostbuster1

21 years ago

Hey everyone-

I am really looking into buying a real ghostbusters ecto 1a for $25 or less. Would anyone be interested in selling one? Or i could trede you all this for a Ghostbusters Ecto 1A.

-Extreme Ghostbusters Ecto 1
-Stuffed Stay Puft.
-Talkboy recorder from Home Alone
-Talkboy F/X pen in the package
-Johnny Lightning “Attack of Mr. Stay Puft”
-R2D2 Resin bank.

Yes all of this for a Real ghostbusters Ecto 1A.

Please don't respond to this if your going to say ebay.

(*peter) (*ray) (*egon)

by flexxx1

21 years ago

hey erik man I might be interested in your ecto 1 from EGB, and your stay puft if its the one fomr the original toy line. Also let mek now if you have come across any new RGB items or anything else you want to part with from that line.

Ryan - Flexxx

by erikghostbuster1

21 years ago

Yeah well my intention was to TRADE THIS STUFF FOR A REAL GHOSTBUSTERS ECTO 1A.!!!!!

by flexxx1

21 years ago

Thats cool. Just saying the offers on the table. Ide be looking for an ecto 1a as well so anyone with 2 let US know . Erik with first dibs of course!

by mizunokojo

21 years ago

Hi Erik,

I found a lot on ebay that might interest you:


It includes an Ecto 1-A vehicle, although it is over your $25 dollar limit, all the aditional items are worth the money in my opinion.

-Martin (aka mizunokojo)

by erikghostbuster1

21 years ago

Well thanks man, but i don't want to buy from ebay because you need a credit card to join.

by flexxx1

21 years ago

Hey Erik man .. I might be going downtown in a few weeks. What I can do is check out what they have and list to you some items. If you send me some cash ill purchase the item for you and just charge you for shippin.
Alright man.
Ryan- flexxx

by erikghostbuster1

21 years ago

Well let me know if they have a moc first series Egon or a Ecto 1A :-)

by abathalon

21 years ago

Well thanks man, but i don't want to buy from ebay because you need a credit card to join.

Erik for God's sake!! You don't need a credit card to Join Ebay!! :-)
Didnt' we already “solve” this question??




by Brendan_M

21 years ago

try to join ebay now, you will need a credit card, please try and pply for an ebay account now so that this debate can all be over.