Wanted Stickers for pack

by Emmettbrown1.21

14 years, 11 months ago

I am in dire need of a set of pack stickers, especially the yellow one and the red gear box sticker, if anyone has a spare or a set they would trade or sell please let me know, thanks so much for any and all help.

by StickerYou

14 years, 7 months ago

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 7 months ago

try http://www.stickeryou.com/theme/ghostbusters/

Get outta here… You don't have the stickers the guy is looking for so please don't start posting these Ghostbusters stickers in every request thread.

Actually read what the guy is asking for. He doesn't need random fun Ghostbusters stickers (which you have some nice ones). He needs specific stuff for his proton pack (which you do not have).

by Willie

14 years, 7 months ago

Perhaps you could print out your own pack stickers. Try the ones at hprops.com http://www.hprops.com/labels/KJHPack03.pdf