19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
For instance, if the third movie was set in New York instead of hell as was proposed, it would be far cheaper to do while being more beleivable and relative to the WAS set in NYC. hell was basically a “negative-image” of the “positive” NYC. go back and read some interviews… sounds like you dont' have a firm grasp of the concept.
19 years, 3 months ago
please keep in mind that all of aykroyd's first draft GB scripts were WAAYYY out there, in terms of SFX. HELLBENT was no different. ramis added the reality to GB. in the recent AICN interview, ramis said that his take on the script was quite different than aykroyd's. i'm sure that if the film had gone forward, a lot of changes would have been made to the script, if not the central concept.
As for if the script had anything to do with the film NOT getting the greenlight… Ramis said that it was more about money and salaries than anything. i can imagine that sony would have been spooked when/if they saw aykroyd's script, but i'm sure the ramis revision was more down-to-earth.
it WAS set in NYC. hell was basically a “negative-image” of the “positive” NYC. go back and read some interviews… sounds like you dont' have a firm grasp of the concept.…and it was VERY original.
19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
19 years, 3 months ago
Personally I don't like the idea of the Ghostbusters going into hell or any other world or dimension. That would be too far out, destroying the beleivability of the francise which it delivers through it's mundaneness and farmiliar locations and situations that we as viewers all recognise and can relate too.what… like the stay-puft marshmallow man and a giant, living river of mood slime is believable?
I think that Aykroyd should have turned up with a script that didn't need any changes to it.with a FIRST DRAFT?! give me a break! he was getting his first thoughts down on paper. go sutdy up on the screenwriting process. i think you'll find that VERY FEW, if any, first draft screenplays are shootable. once again, look at the GB history. all of aykroyd's first drafts “put the gears in motion”, and show little resemblance to the final product. no one here, i assume, really knows if aykroyd submitted his first draft script to the suits at sony.
On the contrary. I know all about the concept and script details.coulda fooled me! okay… so you know about the details. enlighten us on “the details”. is slimer in the script at all? what about the original ectomobiles… are they mentioned? in what form does venkman appear, if at all?