Was there any truth to the rumor...

by Aldo

21 years, 1 month ago

That Conan O'Brien had a hand in the script? Or at least did a draft? I read a recent review of the script at IGN that makes no mention of this so I find it suspect. It would be cool if he did have a hand in writing it though as I love Conan and feel he has a great sense of humor.

Also, how much involvement did Harold Ramis have in the GB3 script? Cause it seems like it's mostly Dan's work.

by Kingpin

21 years, 1 month ago

We don't really know, that's the problem.

I believe the rumour about Conan being involved was prooved false, but so many rumours flew about, it was hard to see what was potentially rumour and what was potentially truth. Talk to D_Osborn on this, he's pretty knowledgable on this subject.

by d_osborn

21 years, 1 month ago

Thanks, kingpin… if I remember correctly, the rumor was sony didn’t like what aykroyd was doing, so they brought in conan to help write it. Personally, I think it’s a false rumor, but who knows, anything is possible… if conan did write anything on it, I doubt he would admit it publicly unless the movie was made… probably for legal reasons. We’ve all heard he’s a HUGE GB fan, so there’s no telling… IF he did anything on it, it wasn’t on the 1999 draft that was reviewed by ign.com. there are many rumors which COULD possibly be true…. Such as aykroyd wrote a script around 96-7, with chris farley in mind for a role. I almost sorta belive that one…. Until we see or hear something concrete, though, we’ll never know…. SPEAK UP DANNY!

About ramis being involved…. He said in an interview that he DID write a draft… by himself, I belive. However, it was based on the same story as aykroyd’s script, no major plot changes…. young team of GBs going to hell, etc. I’m sure there was probably more character development and humor in his… I’d LOVE to read that sucker!

by Aldo

21 years, 1 month ago

Since I stopped following the developement of GB3 back when Sony announced it wouldnt be made. I was unsure if this rumor had been confirmed or denied. Conan's a great writer and I think he would have injected a lot of humor inot this. Hell, I'd even love to see him as a Ghostbuster if it were made, in the few roles I've seen him in, he's really funny.

by Ludicris

21 years, 1 month ago

Actually Conan has never been in a movie before but he did host SNL and did a terrific job. Plus he used to pop up from sketch to sketch when he was a writer there.

One thing I would kill to read, are those two scripts by Dan and Harold. I tried searching the net but I came up with nothing.

by river_of_slime

21 years, 1 month ago

Actually Conan has never been in a movie before but he did host SNL and did a terrific job. Plus he used to pop up from sketch to sketch when he was a writer there.

One thing I would kill to read, are those two scripts by Dan and Harold. I tried searching the net but I came up with nothing.

Actully thats wrong, he was in Coneheads but i think they cut his part out

by d_osborn

21 years, 1 month ago

One thing I would kill to read, are those two scripts by Dan and Harold. I tried searching the net but I came up with nothing.
…and sadly probably never will.

by Aldo

21 years, 1 month ago

The only role that I've seen him in was in “Andy Richter Controls the Universe” and he was pretty funny there, and proved he should do more stuff outside of his talk show. He has popped up in some other tv shows too, but you're right, never in movies. Which is a shame I think.

by 9sam11

21 years, 1 month ago

hrmm.. weird i thought the rumor was true… Conan seems to be a GB fan himself..

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 1 month ago

hrmm.. weird i thought the rumor was true… Conan seems to be a GB fan himself..

Is he?