I convinced the girlfriend's daughter to eat some of the green glob once, lol! I tried to do it a second time at a later date, but she was wise to it! Good times, lol!
Back in grade 11, I spent a summer in Japan and thought I'd be smart by eating some of it straight…it's a lot stronger over there!
I love sushi…salmon roll is my favorite….salmon sashimi is a close second! I dunno why, but raw octopus leg seems to creep people out.
When I was in Japan, I had a lot of wierd things. Raw horse was pretty good actually. There was this one restaurant that used ALL the parts of a cow. Tongue was chewy, stomach wall was interesting, and the intestine wall was…well, sometimes it's just better to not ask what it is! (I sh*t you not!) Sea urchin is just nasty!
IMO, the closest I'll get to something spicy is peppercorn on steak.