
by psycho-gemini

18 years, 11 months ago


The reason your icon reminds me so much of Ray from my fic is, (it's not typed up, it's in one of those note book things, and hasn't been removed from it since 2000) but, on a mission Ray gets bit by a werewolf, so it's a Ray centered fic. And everytime he tries to shave hair off everywhere, he grows hair. Especially around his face ^_^

And Peter's always cracking jokes about it, because they don't figure out until mid-way through that he was bit, heh.

And oh yes, I'll try to give that crossover idea a shot!

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 11 months ago

Okay that's cool then. (*ray)

by Kingpin

18 years, 11 months ago

My personal favorites thus so far have been the mary-sue one's and the Paranormal topics

Mary Sues and Original Characters have a fine line between them, but we try kill Mary Sues and Gary Stus whenever we can.

Welcome to the boards.

Interesting avatar, I assume you were the artist behind it.

by psycho-gemini

18 years, 11 months ago

((Mary Sues and Original Characters have a fine line between them, but we try kill Mary Sues and Gary Stus whenever we can))

Well, mary-sues are actually, well as we know, “perfect” characters. I think that's why so many people dislike them ^_^ nobody wants to read about perfect happy-go-lucky characters who are instantly liked and all, you know the one's usually written by like twelve year olds? XD

That can do everything, are better than everyone else, have the main character of their ideal interest hook up with them on-spot. Come on, love at first sight isn't always there, y'know?? how about some obsticles?? CONFLICT. ^^;

“Mary-sue and so and so lived happy ever after, defying all the laws of canon and making everything canon-wise bend to their will. She died heroically saving her man, and everyone mourned over her death.”

A lot of original characters can be written well–if researched. I love writing for original characters, but I'll never do anything concrete with it until she's realistic enough to not be a self-insert or other, and flawed. Or get some advice on whether or not they seem sue ^_^

Readers usually want a character they can sympathize with. And usually borderline tragic pasts are okay–but if author's want that, they should be cautious–and not over do it they can be a wonderful addition to the story if written well (it's just hard to find good original characters these days >.<) original characters are borderline sue, but don't necessarily screw up canon and they keep things in character, etc. I'd rather make a compatible character fit with someone, then have the cast act out of character. :: shudder::

Ah yes, the avatar ^_^ it's an illustration for a story I'm doing. I may try and get it approved here if I can ever … start it. The idea's only been in my head for like seven years @_# :: killed::

Yup, I drew it. Yay photoshop!

Thanks very much for the welcome!

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 11 months ago

I totally agree about Mary Sue characters, I've found myself in far too many situations, such as an RPG, where I have my character that is forced to be there with a Mary Sue and it was really annoying, because they could do no wrong. It was basically like being Slimer in the episode of RGB's “Victor the Happy Ghost”.

by psycho-gemini

18 years, 11 months ago

Oh, don't get me started on those kind of mary-sues.


I find I have more fun writing for characters that screw up, and laugh at their own mistake, rather than being all like, “oh wah, I screwed up… BUT I'M PERFECT!”

Oh wow you poor soul… I'm surprised after an experience like that you aren't leery of RPGs altogether

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 11 months ago

Yuck! I also don't like Mary Sues either.

by psycho-gemini

18 years, 11 months ago

People who write mary-sues give author's who DO know how to write original characters bad names :\

That makes me hurt :: wibble::

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 11 months ago

Yes and that is so true! I really dislike Mary Sues. :@

by Kingpin

18 years, 11 months ago

Sadly, most Mary Sues seem to gravitate over to Egon… there's some weird geek chic thing here. :p

GBN's fanfic center will probably never reopen (A new center should be opening when GBN 2.0 opens).

Ah yes, the avatar ^_^ it's an illustration for a story I'm doing. I may try and get it approved here if I can ever … start it. The idea's only been in my head for like seven years @_# :: killed::

Yup, I drew it. Yay photoshop!

I like it, I hope we'll be seeing more artwork from you, as you've got talent.

I look forward to reading some of your work.

The irony is, Ghostbusters fanfic has created a exception to the ‘character based on you’ rule, because if they're a member of a GB franchise (Like West Coast Ghostbusters, Nightsquad or GBUK) then as long as they're not absolutely perfect, are okay.