
by psycho-gemini

18 years, 11 months ago

((Sadly, most Mary Sues seem to gravitate over to Egon… there's some weird geek chic thing here.))

Wow, really?? poor Egon XD

((GBN's fanfic center will probably never reopen (A new center should be opening when GBN 2.0 opens).))

That's too bad T_T. I've got a web site in the making, it's not necessarily GB related, it's a place that I post all my creations at etc… fanart, fanfic, and is my web-site in progress. When I get at least five chapters of the fic, I'll post a link ^^ if you're still interested.

((I like it, I hope we'll be seeing more artwork from you, as you've got talent. ))

:: blush:: thanks for the compliment. I don't do much GB artwork, as I just learnt how to do the style this year. When I do more, I'll be sure to post ^^

((I look forward to reading some of your work.))

I'll have to post the link up seeing as they're not doing the fanfic thingy here anymore

((The irony is, Ghostbusters fanfic has created a exception to the ‘character based on you’ rule, because if they're a member of a GB franchise (Like West Coast Ghostbusters, Nightsquad or GBUK) then as long as they're not absolutely perfect, are okay. ))

Hm. I guess that depends on the character–original characters can come off as complete non-mary-sues as long as they don't make them entirely perfect and aren't liked by the entire cast right away. A good way to know they're sue is by how the author will react–especially if you call their character a sue. I used to do self-inserts when I was VERY young. Like 16/17, but I'm 22 now and I know better ^_^ characters based on you can be okay too… hence the “you write what you know” though. But if it's based on you, why is it presenting itself perfect and non-flawed? nobody's perfect y'know?

Yeh, I have some experience creating original characters. ^_^ Most of them are created from roleplaying. So none two are the same. I used to write screenplays too ^_^

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 11 months ago

Wow that sounds very interest. I'm also looking forward to your stories as well.

by Bomfok

18 years, 6 months ago

It is really??

by sinister1

18 years, 6 months ago

Hm. I guess that depends on the character–original characters can come off as complete non-mary-sues as long as they don't make them entirely perfect and aren't liked by the entire cast right away. A good way to know they're sue is by how the author will react–especially if you call their character a sue. I used to do self-inserts when I was VERY young. Like 16/17, but I'm 22 now and I know better ^_^ characters based on you can be okay too… hence the “you write what you know” though. But if it's based on you, why is it presenting itself perfect and non-flawed? nobody's perfect y'know?

Yeh, I have some experience creating original characters. ^_^ Most of them are created from roleplaying. So none two are the same. I used to write screenplays too ^_^

mmm, Ben and I both write for GBUK. As such we use original characters, both of us have our own character in the stories. The unique thing about franchise fic, is it's not about intserting your character in with the GB's… just into the GB universe.

The Ghostbusters UK interaction with the main team is somewhat minimal. After all, there's an entire ocean between us. The OGBs only apear at really important times. I believe so far, they've only apeared in our first fic; http://www.ghostbusters.org.uk/gibomnibus.html and had minor cameos in two others.

As for characterisation and perfection. I try desperatly to not make my character perfect, it's my biggest fear. I try to counter my character's cool traits (he's an RAF fighter pilot, transfered from active duty for disobeying orders, a demonologist, and has a cool sword) with his/my worse traits. Can get pissy sometimes, can get very annoyed with someone unnecessarily, can be highly arrogant (think Rodney McKay on that one) and in fact in one fic, was manically depressed….

by Dreamstalker

18 years, 4 months ago

People who write mary-sues give author's who DO know how to write original characters bad names :\

That makes me hurt :: wibble::
I confess I went through a MS phase, but that was a long time ago and it was gotten over very, very quickly.

A former co-author of mine's RPG character was a Mary Sue to end all Mary Sues.

Once I figured out how to start using the Werewolf RPG's “flaws” system in the GBI RPG, her character was very, very quickly taken down a number of pegs (I think she got eaten by a demon eventually…I'm such an evil GM).