I know this is way off topic but I always wonder…
When I was a kid, I saw a big huge fly. It looks like a common house fly but it's not. It's way too big for that.
Someone told me that it is a bumble bee. But I always feel that's not the correct name for that huge flying bug.
What I have noticed is, you tend to find them near by fig trees. So if you see it, most likely there's a fig tree near by.
When it flys by you, it makes a loud buzzing sound.
One time when I was a kid, I saw one eating a fig that my mom left on the table outside. I was amazed at the same time scared of it. It was eating the fig like the way we eat corn. It goes left to right to left to right… etc… You can tell it has jaws to eat the fig.
So do anyone knows what this big flying bug is called?