by Richard Mitchell

We realize it's a surprise, but apparently Terminal Reality believes that constantly changing publishers isn't all that great. The Ghostbusters game has traveled a very rocky publishing road, starting with Sierra, then sitting in limbo following the Activision / Vivendi merger, then moving to Atari and then moving to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for the European market. Adding to the mess, SCEE will initially release the game only on PS3 and PS2 in Europe, leaving the 360, Wii and DS versions for later this year.
Speaking to, Terminal Reality executive producer Brendon Goss said that the situation is not “ideal” as the developer prefers to create “a collaborative relationship” with publishers. He adds that all versions of the game are complete and he hopes that European release schedule won't cause confusion, which he said could harm sales of the game. In the face of the publishing decisions, which Goss said Terminal Reality had no say in, the team decided to focus on improving the game.
We'll find out if that work paid off when the game releases this June