Way to speak out TR.

by DaniTD

15 years, 10 months ago

Indeed I don´t blame Terminal Reality but Sony. I always hated Sony and now more. When at first the release date dropped form last year´s october to now, I didn´t mind. But now, because I´m from Spain, I am tired of waiting and yes, more people will make as me, download it from the internet and don´t buy it. Its a shame because I love the work terminal reality made with this game, but I wont wait. I will download it and maybe on a future i´ll buy it, but only because of TR. Is a shame that publishers play this manner with the consumer.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 10 months ago

Now, I'm not trying to stick up for Sony, but I have to say! The whole “delay in the PAL regions” is a ploy to drum up sales of the PS3, and yes it was pretty shitty for Sony to pull something like this, so late in the “game” (pun intended), but they are a corp./business, and want to make money, as do ALL corps./businesses, and that usually means, by any means necessary. So think about it from a business stand point: Delay of 360/Wii version of GB:TVG=More possible PS3 sales. It's as simple as that, and yes it wasn't the smartest decision on Sony's part, but hey we've all made stupid decisions.(*peter)

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Now, I'm not trying to stick up for Sony, but I have to say! The whole “delay in the PAL regions” is a ploy to drum up sales of the PS3, and yes it was pretty shitty for Sony to pull something like this, so late in the “game” (pun intended), but they are a corp./business, and want to make money, as do ALL corps./businesses, and that usually means, by any means necessary. So think about it from a business stand point: Delay of 360/Wii version of GB:TVG=More possible PS3 sales. It's as simple as that, and yes it wasn't the smartest decision on Sony's part, but hey we've all made stupid decisions.(*peter)

Its to bad that this stupid decision is affecting all the non PS3 PAL users, not to mention the sales are going to flop in that region, so all this is going to do is severely backfire on Sony.


15 years, 10 months ago

There is a reason why Dan Aykroyd walked off that lot years ago. First sony down plays the crap out of the fact the game is even coming out when they know it's a property that has made them money many times over. Now when they see the pre Order sales , the ranking on amazon , ect. , they want to put a stop gap in front of their competitors making any more money with a franchise they don't even really seem to care about for the most part. It's all a number game for them and we don't matter to them at all. I hope for making the PAL fans wait so long they throw something in extra for you guys.

Rockstar, I agree with most of your points. But thinking in terms of business and not what your consumer base tells you is what kills all companies in the end. Sony hasn't made good choices this whole Gen. Trying to start now is a waste of time and will eventually hurt this frachise's sales in the next few months. It's more than just the game system at stake here for them .

Hell , they wont even promote the thing on their own website. go to playstation . com and type in Ghostbusters. Nothing.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Hell , they wont even promote the thing on their own website. go to playstation . com and type in Ghostbusters. Nothing.

…Nice Sony, way to abuse a franchise that has probably made you millions apon millions of dollars. See, this is why I hate big business, and no, just for the record, I'm not a leftist, like someone accused me of being on Kotaku.

by OniellFord

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;142389
“The people should not fear Sony. Sony should fear the people”

Hell Yeah!! *raises arm high in the air*