we ned to find ackroyd...

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 3 months ago

Mabey if we could find an address like Ectoman had, and sent him some cool GB III stuff, like Fixer's Teaser Poster (I like it) and stuff like that, it might be enough to get his attention or something. Too bad we couldn't arrange something where he comes to a chat room for an hour or something, that would be cool, and a great opportunity.

by hades327

23 years, 3 months ago

Try gettin a little cash support, send him a nice check for two hours of Q&A in a chat room. Sadly that would still require an address….

by GB_RobDog

23 years, 3 months ago

i may be a savior…i have a mailing address for our friendly neighborhood Ghostbuster….i found this address a while back and i haven't sent anything to it yet. i hope it works. here you go

273 N. Many Lakes Drive
Kalispell, MT. 59901-8344


by Texasgb

23 years, 3 months ago

If this address works I think it would be a good idea to send Aykroyd some of our GB3 suggestions. He would appreciate that there are still dedicated GB fans.

by RayStantzFan

23 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, I'm digging up an old post….

I have an online friend who lives near one of Dan's houses. And as much as I love the guy, I have never asked for the address, not even the area of the house.

Why? Because I respect people's privacy and having contact with a couple famous people, I understand that they get freaks literally pounding on their doors trying to get contact with them. That's not to say that any of us would do that, but you KNOW there's people out there insane enough to show up at his house with a GB3 script and try to get it to him.

Frankly, I wouldn't wanna put his life in danger by having some weirdo attack him and ram a script down his throat. He seems nice enough to meet in public, but nobody wants strangers showing up at their house. It's not safe and nobody needs that anxiety. Some celebs don't mind getting mail right to their house, but with all that's going on in the world now, a lot of stars are rejecting all fanmail for the time being, and no matter what it is, it doesn't get to them.

by Texasgb

23 years, 1 month ago

I agree somewhat with you but I do not feel that Aykroyd would mind mail from a fan. I would send him a letter if I had access to his address. I do not think it would be appropriate to go to his house but he probably likes mail.

by RayStantzFan

23 years, 1 month ago

Well, a fanmail address that is seperate from his house is one thing. I'm just not into hunting down his home address to send mail like some people I've experienced. There's several variations of celebs and their mail. Some don't have a problem getting it at their home address. Some have a fanmail address but don't like getting tons of mail smothering their regular mail at home. Some don't like mail at all.

It's often a let down to send fanmail to someone who has people read it for them and they never even get to see it. Kind of a waste to write at all. I guess some people get waaaaaaaay to much mail so they have to stop looking at it all. I'm sure Dan has been there and gone through that many times.

It just irks me that some people expect stars to have their email addresses, phone numbers, home address, etc. out there for the entire world to see. Sane and INsane people. People like Anthony Hopkins had some crazy fan knocking on his door trying to get in and kiss him and he asked her nicely several times to leave adn she refused. So apparently he got another house, which is really sad when things like that happen.

I bet when Dan is retired, older and hasn't much to do, he'll probably be a little easier to find in regards to fanmail. Now I'm sure he's busy with raising his kids and working.

Even I'd be tempted to hang around outside his house waiting to catch a glimpse of him if I knew where he lived. I wouldn't though, but I'd be tempted. Some people wouldn't let morals stop them. “You gotta check out my script! It's different than the others you've seen.” Like he hasn't heard that a billion times. He'd try and be nice, but you know he'd get annoyed after so many approaches, and then he'd be sour to those who just wanna walk by and say hey when they see him on the street. I certainly don't wanna risk that.

Bottom line, everyone deserves privacy and Dan doesn't owe anyone anything, so if he wants his contact info kept private, we should respect that and not try to track him down. He's got that fanmail address. If the mail going there is that important, he'll see it.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Wow, he certainly has a point there. I tried E-mailing Dan once, never did he write me back, though just the experience was fun enough wink

I regularly hear Dan posing as Elwood Blues on the local blues station for what is called a “Blues Break”. Interesting

by RayStantzFan

23 years, 1 month ago

I need to move. smile

You know, I think if they had the time, an eMail address would be more appropriate for stars instead giving out their home address, like some do. But then they'd get a billion worldwide people bombarding them constantly. I've seen a celeb give up and just block all the mail on his account and then route it through someone who reads it for him. Guess it gets to be too much that it takes the fun out of it. I'm sure we can all relate to the nuts who don't stop sending messages when you ask them to leave you alone, lol.

At least you can block people on the internet, but you can't block your home address. And changing your phone # is a pain.

by RayStantzFan

23 years, 1 month ago

Oops. Leave it to me to try and use brackets to quote and things go haywire. Ah well, looks cool anyway.