we ned to find ackroyd...

by RayStantzFan

23 years, 1 month ago

Oops. Leave it to me to try and use brackets to quote and things go haywire. Ah well, looks cool anyway.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Are you feeling alright?

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

you know what I would do?, IF I got hes realy adress, check the time he goes or gets back from work (if he has one right now) and take the time…so, when you know the time he gets out…or in, you go over there with a bunch of gb fans, everyone in gb suit, props included, and just sit in front of his house, ok, wave the guy a little, and have some “we want gb3”adds….get as many people as you can. Just wave him, DO NOT do stupid things like runing over his car or other stuff, dont mess with the guy, just say hello, laugh a little, keep your distance and he will see in good terms that his fans didnt forgot him, or his saga….

I hope this helps you