Weaver hopeful for ‘Ghostbusters 3’

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

Weaver hopeful for ‘Ghostbusters 3’

Last Updated: September 20, 2010 1:12pm

LOS ANGELES – Sigourney Weaver isn't giving up the ghost.

Despite the tepid – and that's being generous – enthusiasm Bill Murray has expressed for another Ghostbusters outing, the 60-year-old Weaver sounds optimistic about the sequel's chances at life. “Ghostbusters 3 apparently is happening,” she says. “I got a call from (director) Ivan Reitman and they're working on the script. If it's not a great script, we're not going to do it.”

Weaver doesn't divulge plot details – although during Avatar interviews last year, she revealed in the proposed script, Murray dies early on in the proposed three-quel only to return from the hereafter in spectral form. But the follow-up is expected to pass the baton – or at least the unlicensed nuclear accelerator – from old-timers Murray, Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd to a fresh generation (possibly including Murray and Weaver's love child, if rumours are to be believed).


by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Dan Aykroyd has already confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 will happen many times and Dan confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 will began Filming next Spring 2011. He said that this is his last Vodka Touring for a while because of Ghostbusters 3. Dan has told the GB fans at his Vodka Signing that Bill Murray will be in GB3 and Filming Begans Next Spring 2011. Everyone is in GB3. Sigourney knows that Too because Sony/Columbia will make a GB3 because Everyone likes and Loves the GB3 Script and there's a lot Of Proof From Dan Aykroyd and others that GB3 is Happening!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 5 months ago

First - I am not trying to start a flame war (though it might be accidentally easy to do) so I'm not going to take issue with your entire post, but I do have to ask:

Where have we heard this?
Ghostbusters Rocks;165355
because Everyone likes and Loves the GB3 Script

Last we heard, as far as I remember, is that the script is still being worked on and that GBIII will only go ahead if everyone involved agrees that the script is good. We haven't had confirmation that everyone has signed off on the script yet.

While the news did come out from Dan that filming should start next year, this really hasn't been confirmed yet either. I personally like his enthusiasm for the franchise that we all (and obviously he) loves, and I think it's great that he is already planning for time away from his signing tours to film GBIII, but right now they are just his plans.

On the topic of Weaver though - I really really hope she is not central to the plot. And if the new film builds on the video game, I wonder if they will try to explain her absence from the game, and Pete's flirtatious attitude towards Ilysa.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Dan Aykroyd confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 will began Filming next Spring 2011 on Winnipeg Free Press. It says that on there. I even emailed that to my Friends and to myself! Check that Webpage out! You will see for yourself that GB3 is Happening. Sigourney knows that Too! She knows that it's Happening along with Other GB Fans and the GB Cast! Rick's coming out of retirement to be in GB3! No word on Annie Though! See GB3 is Happening!

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165363
Dan Aykroyd confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 will began Filming next Spring 2011 on Winnipeg Free Press. It says that on there. I even emailed that to my Friends and to myself! Check that Webpage out! You will see for yourself that GB3 is Happening. Sigourney knows that Too! She knows that it's Happening along with Other GB Fans and the GB Cast! Rick's coming out of retirement to be in GB3! No word on Annie Though! See GB3 is Happening!

They haven't started filming yet. Once we see a shot of Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd standing in front of a movie camera with some sort of Ghostbusters-related item, then we'll believe.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165363
Dan Aykroyd confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 will began Filming next Spring 2011 on Winnipeg Free Press. It says that on there. I even emailed that to my Friends and to myself! Check that Webpage out! You will see for yourself that GB3 is Happening. Sigourney knows that Too! She knows that it's Happening along with Other GB Fans and the GB Cast! Rick's coming out of retirement to be in GB3! No word on Annie Though! See GB3 is Happening!

And how many times have we heard that before? I'll be honest…I have begun to loose count.

Wait a second….

That sounds familiar.

Patrick. Is that you?

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

Who is Ghostbusters Rocks, getting kind of annoying?





That is all.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Welcome back Patrick… no wait… no, not welcome, please leave.

Seriously, stop posting these things as fact. How many times have you claimed Ghostbusters III is already filming or would be debuting a trailer? Shut up already.

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

Patrick is like herpes…you just cant get rid of him!

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 5 months ago

please tell me you did not just join to say that JoJo