Weaver Out Of Ghostbusters Sequel

by deadderek

15 years, 8 months ago

30 June 2009 3:01 PM, PDT

Sigourney Weaver has pulled out of the second Ghostbusters sequel.

The actress was reported to be joining former co-stars Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd in a spooky new movie, 20 years after Ghostbusters II - but she insists she isn't part of producers' plans.

The actress tells TVSquad.com, “I think they're trying to create something new completely with the Ghostbusters, although I know Bill is in it. I don't expect to have anything to do with it, although I wish them well.”

Aykroyd has suggested the new film, in which the original Ghostbusters hand over control of their spook-chasing responsibilities to a team of hot young ladies, could start shooting before the end of the year.

Article from IMDB.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

Article from IMDB.

It must be true then. :rollseyes:

I wasn't expecting she'd be in it anyway, not since the game!

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

This is still a valuable piece of news. I don't care if it's from IMDB. When it comes to quoting people, it should be taken SOMEWHAT seriously. I just don't take their “movie listings” seriously, at least when it comes to reporting who's in them, when they're happening, etc.

I will be happy if Weaver's not involved in the new Ghostbusters film, it it does indeed happen. It may actually signify them using a NEW concept or NEW story.

The part I don't take seriously is the part where IMDB infers that a “new team of hot young female busters take over”….or however it was phrased. That's IMDB making their own story up, I pray anyway. I don't want some Charlies Angels style GB team.

by deadderek

15 years, 8 months ago

It must be true then. :rollseyes:

I wasn't expecting she'd be in it anyway, not since the game!

I was just giving a source on the article.

by pinkandblack84

15 years, 8 months ago

personnallly if this is true i'm glad i only really liked Weaver in the first movie, i kind of figured from the cartoon series the Venkman character was always searching for a new girlfriend through out the entire series and went from women to women.

Weaver was ok in the second but at least for me she isn't that important to the movie at all, i hope if they make a third movie they would give Venkman a new love interest like in the game.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm glad that she won't be in it. Chances are they probably would've had her be the center of whatever ghost was causing problems again, and then the sequel would just feel like another carbon copy.

Part of what made the game so great was that, with the new woman, there was new interest. It didn't feel like ground already traveled. Here's hoping for the same thing from the movie.

by Andreas

15 years, 8 months ago

Article from IMDB.

Here is the source, already posted it in a side note, didn't find it that big news …

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 8 months ago

30 June 2009 3:01 PM, PDT

Sigourney Weaver has pulled out of the second Ghostbusters sequel.

Article from IMDB.

So her saying “I think they want to go in a new direction, and I can't think of a way that I would be involved…” is considered “Weaver has pulled out of Ghostbusters sequel”? I think they are just trying to attract readers to the story.

When I first heard of this story I thought it made a lot of sense. I can't think of a reason Dana Barrett would be in GB3. Can any of you think of a reason why Dana Barrett would be in GB3? No big deal.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

So her saying “I think they want to go in a new direction, and I can't think of a way that I would be involved…” is considered “Weaver has pulled out of Ghostbusters sequel”? I think they are just trying to attract readers to the story.

When I first heard of this story I thought it made a lot of sense. I can't think of a reason Dana Barrett would be in GB3. Can any of you think of a reason why Dana Barrett would be in GB3? No big deal.

She could be in it if they have her and Peter married. She could make a cameo, or have a small role. Just because she's in it doesn't mean she would have to be a major character, or the target of another ghostly attack, which would be boring.

by DocFritz

15 years, 8 months ago

Not being in it would not be a big deal. Though the character should at least be mentioned. (Yeah, if it were up to me, Venkman quips “If I'm late one more time this week, Dana's gonna strangle me…” or something like that. Imply/establish that they're still together and Venkman isn't a big enough f***up to lose her twice.)

But yeah, no cameo for cameo's sake is required. Any love interest should be for Ray, Winston, or one of the new characters–we've seen the “Venkman's love interest menaced by the supernatural” plot in all three of the projects Aykroyd and Ramis have been involved in, and we really need something different.