Web Hosting

by SlimeLord

23 years, 3 months ago

Even though this can be a really difficult task, it would be great if our sites could be hosted on GB.net, because many Ghostheads have had their sites deleted by other web hosting services (like GeoCities, TopCities, etc.). Do you think you can do it, Chad?

by Chad

23 years, 3 months ago

I would love to do that, but the bandwidth bills would kill me. I look forward to doing so (making Ghostbusters.net a HUGE non-stop GB portal with data aggrigation) one day when I make more money and if Columbia still hasn't taken the site down wink


23 years, 3 months ago

Sounds good Chad! Of course I trust you won't be able to give everyone this option and most likely we would only get somthing like 5 megs.

by SlimeLord

23 years, 3 months ago

Chad, you could give http://www.datapacket.net a try, you pay very little, and you get a ton of stuff, like unlimited bandwidth and space.

by CaptainN

23 years, 3 months ago

Slime Lord,

Having Chad host all the Gb sites is highly unlikely and is near impossible. Besides why would you want a url like http://yoursite.ghostbusters.net ? It would just mean that your a sub site of GBN thus making it a multimedia site again instead of a “portal” to other sites. Besides it would be easier to find a free server like topcities, or tripod, or some other one, or one better buy your own .whatever. That way you can buy the amount of megs that you will need.
