Webpage Making

by Adamx1984

16 years, 9 months ago

Hi guys, well obviously from my profile and such i am a huge Wrestling fan and training to become a pro wrestler now i just wondered if someone could answer me a question since i am not sure which was to go on webpage making graphic side of things im not to sad at it but i wondered,

1) What is the simplist program i can use (Vista) to build webpages i was thinking Word?

2) And a good/cheap webpage server to go with.

Thanks for the help if anyone does know.

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

I've been using web expression by mircosoft to make my web pages but i got it for free because I'm a systems management major but I would suggest using google webpage its free and you can make a website on it fairly easy from what I can see.

heres a link


edit: They will also host it for free I think.

by Adamx1984

16 years, 9 months ago

cheers mate ill check it out.

edit: afte4r further investigation into it i dont think that Google's page maker is for me, while i think of it i am also looking for something like a Blog Service i think the main page of GB.net has a blog service type thing i wondered what a good blog website was to go to…. sorry if i sound like a complete idiot when asking i am just useless when finding this kind of stuff.

thanks again if anyone decides to help out.

by castewar1

16 years, 9 months ago

wordpress.com is a blog program that you can download and run on a website (like Proton Charging) or, better suited to your case I'd imagine, you can sign up for a free blog on their site. No fuss, no muss, and it's pretty easy to make some minor tweaks to make it suit what you want.

You also have the option, of hooking a domain up to it - so you can have, without a domain, something like adamx.wordpress.com, or if you buy yourself a domain, you can hook it to the wordpress blog and have, www.adamx.com, which then takes to you the blog. Those options cost money mind you - not a lot, but it's not free, just FYI.

by Adamx1984

16 years, 9 months ago

nice thats a big help thanks for the information i checked it out before posting and seems just what i need

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

I was going to suggest wordpress myself. Its very maliable to whatever your needs are. But it really depends on your knowledge and how much work you want to put into it.