19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
Isn't it just a little unfair to judge him before you know the reason behind the delay? Sure, it could be that he simply hasn't been able to do them, but don't cruicify the man before you know the reason… if he's able to mention it.
But it doesn't mean that the hardcover books are in any kind of a problem yet.
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
If this was the first incident, then it would be different. However, this is only the latest in a string of broken promises or out and out lies on Clavet's part.
Riiiiight. Preorders were supposed to be closed in June.
News was supposed to be forth coming, and it wasn't. In fact, until a certain (now removed) thread on Weaver Hall a mear two days before the last update, there was no sign of an update on the horizon.
Clavet sent out an official 88 MPH email over testing of his Weaver Hall forum rather an update on the product they've been collecting and holding money on for months.
Kingpin, on this and other forums you seem to have nothing but praise and support for 88. As a former staunch support of 88 MPH, I have been let down constantly since the time of the 3rd issue delay. Time and time again 88 has practiced piss poor business practices and has been holding thousands of it's customers dollars without producing a product without clear explanation,
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
Rev, you seem to know something about business, and yet you can't grasp the GOD DAMN CONCEPT that in business there are certain kinds of GAG ORDERS on certain things. Seb said he's waiting for an answer. If he could REVEAL the specifics behind it, don'tcha think he WOULD? I mean, come on! You're dealing with Sony, you think they release every single piece of info?
You're not helping matters at all. All you're doing is starting a riot and proving that people in this day and age are too sue happy. So go ahead, sue. If the product comes out in the middle of your lawsuit I'll be the first to laugh.
If you're THAT PISSED OFF, cancel your f***ing order. Simply. But, yet, you haven't. Why is that, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?