Weekly updates??


19 years, 4 months ago

Sorry, but inciting riots doesn't scream rational, bunky.

by gjustis1

19 years, 4 months ago

Alright sweetheart…….this has become tiresome.

You know what you look like?

A spaz.

I haven't called someone a spaz in YEARS, but dammit, it applies here.

Brand loyalty? Ah, I see. Threatening legal action (which is outright ridiculous, trust me), inciting others to act blindly, calling other fans flunkies and gushers, where's the loyalty? You, Irene, are the problem w/ the fanbase. After years of waiting, we've had a wonderful product. Sure, there've been issues, but damn….absolutely nothing to freak out about. Absolutely not. And SURPRISE: you've gone and lost it. Don't come here and talk about brand loyalty while in the same sentence spouting how you'd like to sue after a couple of months of delays.

Months, sweetie.

88mph's customers are accepting the delays because the product is fantastic, late or not. There have been delays in the past; we've never really minded all that much. It's simply not a big deal. Sure, I'd love to help the franchise. Even better if I can help 88mph. But neither of these is my primary objective: I want an exceptional product, which is what I know I'll receive from this company.

I never, ever act, speak, or type without rational thought…..don't you ever say I'm acting out of blind faith. What I'm acting on is the hope and trust that something good will come out of the issue, that the final product will be better than expected, and that rocket-boys like yourself eat the superb humble pie. There's nothing blind about it; 88mph's past products have exceeded my every expectation, which is why I feel the way I do. Nothing blind about it.

It's a matter of knowing who I'm dealing with and knowing the product.

I've never, EVER said this to anyone: you're not a collector, I'm a collector. Ecto's a collector. You're a fanboy. You bitch and moan when something doesn't go your way; immediate gratification is your teat here. You think you're doing a damn thing but aggrivating those who've waited patiently, and who have high hopes for the franchise?

That's right…..another company attempts something great, stumbles, and people like you kick them when they're down.

Personally, I think that's despicable.

Here's what you need to do: just suck it up and relax. Enjoy the wait, enjoy the anticipation. If I was Seb, and had fanboys like yourself screaming down MY throat, I'd write it off, too.

Don't pretend that you know a DAMN thing about the publishing business, particularly when both massive companies and small companies are involved. This is a huge undertaking for 88mph, and so far I've been unquestionably happy with what they've done. Why? Because I'm a loyal fan….period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Look around you: sure, some people are aggrivated at the delays. By and large, everyone in every community welcomes criticism. But again, surprise, you're the only one who thinks he can come in, threats and guns blazing, looking like a fanboy with nothing better to worry about, nothing better to complain about, and nothing more important and/or constructive to do.

It's a waste of valuable space on the board, and a waste of time.

I apologize to all for losing my cool on this thread……I don't think I'm one to come on a board and go off on such a tangent. Sadly, in this case, I simply couldn't help it. I'm not unaccepting of criticism; I'm just unaccepting of spazzing out. Hope that's understood.

by nickonline

19 years, 4 months ago

you guys are all lame, stop fighting.

Sebastian works at the printer now, right, in some capacity? So is it at all possible that he used all the money from the GB book sales to pay off various comic debts, and is now working directly to finance the printing of his books?


19 years, 4 months ago

Well, his company is gonna be the ones printing them now, so that's possible.

And for anyone who thinks 88's the only ones with problems, check out slightly bigger Devil's Due's publishing headaches:


by fomeboy

19 years, 4 months ago

I might sound kinda gay… but pls stop fighting guys… peace and love :p
and concerning the hardcover… patience is the key

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

Plus… y'know, maybe the person behind the post face is meant to be kept as a surprise?


19 years, 4 months ago

Sorry, KP, but that kinda talk has no place in common sense.

by GuyCC

19 years, 4 months ago

I made my essay known on another post. I'm still (somewhat) being patient.

Just want to know when we can start (realistically) looking for the thing to arrive in our mailboxes.

If he has no news, just talk about the book, what it offers, some interesting behind the scenes stories, synopsis in haiku form, what he plans to do next whenever the book FINALLY comes out.

The irony of this is that the bitch-fest '05 will be forgotten for the most part once everyone gets their copy in the mailbox.

But Lord, some sort of news updates would be nice.


19 years, 4 months ago

Nah, actually, we've all decided to get together in '06 and take the asshole bitchers out back and beat them silly.

by revraven1

19 years, 4 months ago

Ah, the fourth week of this supposed “I'll have an answer in two weeks” situation.

And now he says pre-orders are still being accepted? I suspect someone's seriously broke and trying to raise some cash.

Judging by 88's Paypal information, I'd say Seb hasn't sold close to half of the hardcover's print allocation. But yes, we are now two weeks beyond the “I'll let you know in two weeks” deal.

Again all this reeks of a scam, and yes I'm sure that Ecto-1 and Kingpin will rush to act as human shields for 88, but that's what cheerleaders do. I believe it's time to face facts folks: We've been scammed our of our money.

Scammers work by promising something, and then “extenuating circumstances” keep the end product/result from being delivered.

For those of you playing the home game: One month ago Seb send out an email as an update (an update which isn't on his company's website). The jist of the update was as follows:

“I have asked a question to someone, and I am waiting an answer. The answer is important enough to hold off printing. I should have an answer for you hopefully in two weeks.” Which has now turned into four.

Firstly, this “question” that was asked to “someone” sounds like a cover. Ecto/Kingpin, please don't try to act as if you know something about the entertainment producing industry. A vaugly worded statement that's ambigious at best is not the result of an NDA or anything along those lines. It's a stall tactic.

To have an update in two weeks. Well, we're now at 2*2weeks with still nothing. Print the 300 or so books that have been paid for, ship them, and then just let this go away. Please. This way I don't feel like I've been screwed out of close to $200.

Oh, and Ecto..I appreciate the “I'm not a collector” rant. You're partly right, I'm not a “cheerleader” who supports the producers at any cost (which you sir seem to be). I am mearly a customer who is dissatisfied and believes my money will never get me a product, that it was a donation to Sebastian. But I do have quite a sizable collection of GB stuff, and I wil continue to do so. I hope that your blind support for Seb can tell the difference.