"Yeah, Yeah, you heard it right! WELCOME to the first… and last:
The Ruleszzz are SIM-pleee… there is.. no RuLEszz!
THIS.. will decide.. The faTe.. of the Jessss-terrrr; if the result is positiivvve, the “hopping-troll-rat-creature” will live….. If tHe ‘ReCrUiT’ dOeS nOt dEcIdE tO tUrN hIm InTo HiS nEw MeAL, of course…
If the result is negatiiiiiiVe…. the “hopping-troll-rat-creature” will die anyway and the.. ‘ReCrUiT’.. will need to do some efforts to not fall into some “fIrE ExtIngUishER” joke again….. but I prEfeR a NicE fIrE to BuRN marshhhhmallowwww, if you know what I mean; why risking your life at crossing the streams, when you can simply bring the family around a nice fire, ehh?
Errhh, did I hit some heart? Oh, why do I care, I'm dead ALREADY !!!
So! ENJOY the SHOW! Vote as many time you want! It will ‘muscle’ your fingers and decide the futur of this GBnet member!
Well, in fact, he couldn't care less, it's just that I have nothing more interesting to do in the World Of The Dead… everything is dead there, but I guess you already knew that.
Let the FUN BEGIN!"