Were can i get name tags for my flightsuit

by gb4ever

23 years ago

i need to find were i can get them made or at least were to find someone who can make an iron on print out for me to print.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Visit this site:


Joesph custom makes these patches and so does Dr.Stantz I'll post his link later when I find it. You'll have to e-mail joesph from his website because he doesnt have the ghostbusters costume listing on there at the moment. You can also reach him from this website Keith Marshalls Fanmade Prop Parts

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Here is Dr.Stantz's link(be warned he is very busy and may not get back to you).

Dr.Stantz Custom Props

by gb4ever

23 years ago

Thanx much

by gb4ever

23 years ago

many Thanx

by Glycerine

23 years ago

You could go to those sites if you wanted to.. I just looked in the yellow pages and found a local embroidery shop that would make the name tags for me. it only cost me around 18 to have 2 made..

by ecto-3

23 years ago

That is a good idea glycerine, but when I tried my local embroidery shop(Things Remembered Inc.) they said they couldnt do it. LOL so I'm stuck with these guys smile