
by TyFire

16 years, 5 months ago


Ok, I’ve read about the news on GB3, and I’ve been ignoring it because I’ve also read that we’ve been this close before and we didn’t get anything. But I found this on IMDB and I really can’t explain my feelings, I guess I feel like AVGN if he ran into the worst game in history. Do they really think they can remake it, I know us fans would look differently on this than normal people, but still. They usually remake crappy movies, right?! Ghostbusters does not need to be remade, it’s like saying the planet should be dominated my apes! I don’t want to go on ranting about it, cause it’s probably not going to get made, like with all the news on GB3. I would like to read some other thoughts about this ridiculous news.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

I knew this was coming. Look, to make a GB3 it would have to be a similar story to EGB, Plastic Hollywood isn't going to do that.

Instead, they will re-make it for a younger audience. It's going to be horrible if they try to make the packs and costumes look different.

On the other hand IMDB is not the most credible source so take this with a grain of salt.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

I think you're reacting way too strongly to it considering it's a page on IMDb, hardly a be-all-end-all source of information.

by slimer3881

16 years, 5 months ago

Its probably a typo mistaken for the third film, and a remake does seem like a likely nightmare come true, considering all the damn remakes Hollywood keeps spewing out. But, it took Bill Murray almost 20 years to come to terms with the possibility of lending his rights to making a 3rd film in consideration for hurting the franchise. Do you REALLY think he would let some Hollywood nobodies completely take over and rehash one of his comic gems? very unlikely.

If you want to know what movies are REALLY coming out within the next 2 years just check Allmovie.com, though not as insightful, it at least gives the date of the actual film thats been greenlit and in production.

by TyFire

16 years, 5 months ago

Ty Fire;129668
cause it’s probably not going to get made, like with all the news on GB3. I would like to read some other thoughts about this ridiculous news.

I know it's a brand new page, I know the chances of it are zip to none. But I was just saying that I hate the idea of them even teasing about the idea of a remake. Last night I was going too late on the computer, and I was tired as heck, so I probably over reacted to something that didn't need to be reacted to. I’m not too fond of the rumors of what’s floating around for GB3 also, mainly the GBs in a cameo as consultants to a new team. But anyhow guess I’ll stop typing…

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ty Fire;129692
I know it's a brand new page, I know the chances of it are zip to none. But I was just saying that I hate the idea of them even teasing about the idea of a remake. Last night I was going too late on the computer, and I was tired as heck, so I probably over reacted to something that didn't need to be reacted to. I’m not too fond of the rumors of what’s floating around for GB3 also, mainly the GBs in a cameo as consultants to a new team. But anyhow guess I’ll stop typing…

First I wouldn't worry about a remake as there has never been anything from a reputable source suggesting it's even being talked about. Not to mention the fact that it's listed as a year after GB3's supposed release date. It just doesn't make sense at all. I would say a remake is possible, but if I were to guess I would say that it would happen if GB3 came out and flopped… And even so it would probably be like 6-10 years after that. And again, they'd have to secure the rights from all parties and we all know how hard that can be. Second, I understand your concerns about GB3, but again no one reputable has said anything about the story. The only “official” thing we have to go on is the article from Variety, and if you gleem anything about the story from that, it would seem that the story is to be about the original guys. But again, who knows. Just wait until we hear more and hope for the best!

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 5 months ago

…its IMDB

it means nothing.


by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 5 months ago

The link asks for logging in… can somebody quote that text over here? please?