What about others here that do not speak english?

by back

21 years, 10 months ago

i remember a recent event where some dude couldnt speak a word or english on this site. im not sure if theres a translator available to the browsers out there, if not isnt Ghostbuster.net missing out on a larger market so to speak? there could be another 6000 fans out there with fresh new ideas thoughts plans and possibly alot of money for us all to spend. im joking about the currency part though.
im gone.

by LordVego

21 years, 10 months ago

yeah his name was/is Roberto, still cant speak it very well, but I told him to use Free Translation.com so he could type it in Spanish and have it come out English.

by Mat

21 years, 10 months ago

or vice-versa

by castewar

21 years, 10 months ago

Bablefish works well too.


The advantage to Bablefish is that you can put in and URL and it will translate on the fly as you surf. There's a limit on how deep you can go, but it's very handy for just browsing.

When I get a chance, I think I'll add these links to the FAQ.

I've tried, wherever possible, to try to keep people off non-anglophones when they post. A lot of the posters her just love to go on and on about how bad their English is, or that they can't understand them.

If everyone could go out of their way to make some of these posters feel welcome (as well as direct them to the translation sites) it would go a long way.

I also just found http://www.worldlingo.com which works just like Bablefish.

by castewar

21 years, 10 months ago

castewar µÄ ×Ôת:
Chris Stewart ³öÉúÔÚÒ»¿Åì¶ÜÐÇÖ®ÏÂÐí¶àËêÔÂÇ°¡£

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ÔÚÌìÒÔÇ°Chris ÊÇһλ¼ӰÓÎÏ·¿ª·¢É̲¢ÇÒÔÚÒ¹ÒÔÇ°ËûдΪ ign.com ºÍ ÓéÀÖGeekly ¡£

by castewar

21 years, 10 months ago

I'm starting this in a seperate post, for organizational sake.

I'm not 100% sure that all browsers can see unicode - they should, but it's not a safe assumption.

If you all here could take a moment, head to bablefish, or any of the other sites, and try translating the website into Chinese (as an example) - then post here and let me know what you're browsing with (machine and browser), and if you could see the characters that would be great.

There's a meta tag Chad can use

META http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html” charset=“UTF-8”

That will tell the browsers to show unicode. One way or another, once I know the codes show up properly, it's very easy for me to set up links in the appropriate lanugage that will guide non-english users on how to translate the site. This would be an excellent test I think, as well as helpful to non-English speaking visitors.

by CaptainN

21 years, 10 months ago

Did not work on my machine. Compaq Presario 722 US running Windows XP SP1 with browser Mozilla 1.3. I saw alot of question marks when I had it go from english to Chinese.


by roberto182

21 years, 8 months ago

i not speak english very well

by evil_toaster

21 years, 8 months ago

I hear you, guys. Another good translation wizard is at www.dictionary.com.

by back

21 years, 8 months ago

Exellent Evil_toaster. anyone else have any other translators?
im gone.