YAY! bring posters come on >_< Anime posters and wallscrolls are too expensive where I live LOL, the next best thing is to get a poster of GB…of course that would be bigger then the microchip…err well I mean it would be put on priority over buying anything from the anime community cause GB rules ^_^
Anyways, I'm all for making posters but as it should be done only with enough pre-orders simply because if the demand is 100 and you need to sell 140 to break even, you're not gonna print and sell the posters, now if you're say needing 140 to break even and sell in the range of 130 in pre-orders I'd say go for it, simply because not all sales are pre-orders.
When you walk into an Electronics Boutique and see 3 boxes of Tron 2.0 sitting on the shelf, odds are there's been X amount of pre-orders for those who *need* a copy the day it comes out, and then there was X amount of post-release sales because of advertising, or people that looked at it and said “wow, that'd be cool to play” (yes, Tron 2.0 is fun LOL).
So basically what I'm trying to say here is…posters would be a good idea for the community but don't go overboard like The Matrix and The Simpsons, they, at last count, put out 9 posters each in the last year..that's almost one per month. I don't care that posters are only 5 bucks a shot in Canada, thats still a lot more posters then one could handle. I can see 2, maybe 3 posters being put out. I'd like one that's just a re-print of the original theatrical poster (with the ghostbusters logo, saying ghostbusters underneath and then listing all the names and stuff at the bottom, as well as the slogan “coming to save you this summer” or whatever it was back in 1984…), and then 1 or 2 posters from the comic art, maybe with the 4 guys posing kinda like the wallpaper that's up on the 88MPH website.
But these are all ideas, not saying that anyone is going to follow through with them, but hey, it's my first post in a while so I thought I'd make it a good one LOL!.
Thanks, See ya later (it's almost time for the comic, you all ready? ^_^)