What about the hopfull cri out for ghostbusters III!

by EctoMonkey.

22 years, 5 months ago

ok, first, its now 3 am for me, Im tierd and my spelling is horendis with out the lack of sleep. that and my resounding affieation to try to use long complicated words gratly hinders my posts,…. in other words, me spell bad… uhgg!smile
ok, on to the topic, GHOSTBUSTERS III! what this is a fan site, the best Ive seen and no page to dicribe the hopes and dreams that is ghostbusters 3? we all wish for it to happin, we all know the sad truth that it is in now, but still, a page dedicaded to the hope that someday sony willget a clue and rebuld this franchise and give reberth to this movie phenominon..(ooh big word)
well we need a page that will do this, something simpel.. not cronicling how it was hopfull and how it fell, no more refrinse to acrodes last spech when we all herd him say ghostbusters was dead. no we just need a sight with the idea of the concept script, a logo and a counter, and a post link for all who wish the move to be made. like a patition, some fan arrt and concept art on what the new eqepment would be like, but mainly we need the counter and the dedicaded post. so we can send it to sonny in an e-mail and on a disck everymonth! to show them the intrest isnot dead! we all know thell eventualy make the movie, we juse need to speed it up so weall will be alive to see it! (comeone how long did it tack them to make spiderman? we knew it was gona happin but when? so get an xctra link up, for the gb# fowel temptris has made a great no ghost logo for gb 3! comeone, we need to suport the dream if thise is to truly be a fully coprehesive sight for ghost heads!!

this is ectomonkey sighnig off….
must… sleep…..dream. off…….. …snore…zzzzzzzz

by boogie138

22 years, 5 months ago

its been tried on other sites, not sure it'll work the way you hope, and isn't the gb3 board enough to keep ideas, dreams and hope for a new movie enough?

if not thats cool, i honestly gave up the fight for gb3 a while ago

power to ya

by EctoMonkey.

22 years, 5 months ago

yha, other sights have tride the patition thing, but withh a counter, you just simply can tell how many people are uintrested in a gb 3, hell count the posts on the board and send them to sony!

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 5 months ago

sending anything to sony won't work, they don't own the entire all the rights to make a gb3.