What are the most rare MOC RGB figures?

by shinefra

13 years, 10 months ago

Hi Guys I just Started my Real Ghostbusters collection with Janine Melnitz with Racin Wringer and Ray Stanz with Fright Features. So I want to know which MOC figures are the hardest to find so I can start with those first.

By the way what other auction stores do you recomend to buy besides ebay?

Thank for your help in advanced

by shinefra

13 years, 9 months ago

Well since nobody responded I concluded that this little guys are the most Hard to find.

Is there a cheapper way to find this guys?

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 9 months ago

If no one answered the original question, it's doubtful that anyone would be able to answer your new question… especially when you didn't list a “cheaper than ___” price. No one knows what your basis for “cheaper” is.

by shinefra

13 years, 8 months ago

Well this little guys cost from 349.99 to 999.99 in this website


Never seen them in their card on ebay or loose for that matter

by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 8 months ago

Well this little guys cost from 349.99 to 999.99 in this website


Never seen them in their card on ebay or loose for that matter

Just because something is rare thought doesn't mean it's valuable. The only reason something is valuable is because someone wants it. That same site is asking for about $700 for a Moc Peter Venkman, but I don't think I've seen one that goes THAT high.

Looks like the site jacks up the prices a little more than it needs too.

by shinefra

13 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen;171187
Just because something is rare thought doesn't mean it's valuable. The only reason something is valuable is because someone wants it. That same site is asking for about $700 for a Moc Peter Venkman, but I don't think I've seen one that goes THAT high.

Looks like the site jacks up the prices a little more than it needs too.

I agree.

But it seems that kenner didn’t produce enough finger pop fiends, that´s why this guys try to take advantage.

by ben_liew

13 years, 6 months ago

I bought 3 of those “Finger pop fiend” from ebay between $60 - $80 two months back. Also, I realised there are two versions - the colour of the ghosts are different.

by Dascolsanders

13 years, 4 months ago

I had no idea there were two different ghost colors. In my opinion I would list the top 5 rare RGB figures as follows:

1)Finger Pop Friends
2) H20 Ghost
3) Ecto-Glo Set (as this was the series to end the reign of RGB) With about a 6 month run.
4) 1st Edition (full purple/blue background)
5) Ive seen very few “Nasty Neck's” In the package..

What would you guys rate the top 5?