What Are You Eating For Thanksgiving?

by GuyCC

17 years, 3 months ago

My turn to cook this year, so we're having….


This thing is awesome! It should be done in about half an hour, so I'm stoked to see how it turns out.

We're also having homemade mac ‘n’ cheese with andouille sausage, key lime cheesecake, and apple-cherry pie.

And don't forget the wine.

When I come to, I may post pictures.

So what are you guys having today?

(And Happy Thanksgiving!)

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

chicken (my family hates turkey) mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, asparagus and ice cream cake for dessert.

by Chad

17 years, 3 months ago

Turducken is great! We have had them as part of Christmas dinner the last three years or so.

Tonight's dinner was comprised of Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes w/ toasted Stay-Puft Marshmallows and pecans on top, Cranberrys, several different pies, and many other things I have forgotten (due to the Wild Turkey, perhaps).

I hope all of the American Ghostheads had a nice Thanksgiving and I hope that all of the Canadian Ghostheads had a wonderful Kraft Dinner. :-)

by GuyCC

17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I was a bit blown away by how awesome turducken is.

Seriously, for those who have never tried it, do yourself the favor and order one. It's probably one of the most tender meat I've ever cooked.

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

I had Tofurky, potatoes, stuffing, turnips, lasagna, and probably a lot more I can't remember. Italians have a lot of courses.

by Chad

17 years, 3 months ago

I had Tofurky, potatoes, stuffing, turnips, lasagna, and probably a lot more I can't remember. Italians have a lot of courses.

Tofurkey is interesting to me. How does it taste? I am thinking about making one and bringing it over to the parent's house for Christmas this year. Is it hard to prepare?

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

I had Tofurky, potatoes, stuffing, turnips, lasagna, and probably a lot more I can't remember. Italians have a lot of courses.

Tofurkey is interesting to me. How does it taste? I am thinking about making one and bringing it over to the parent's house for Christmas this year. Is it hard to prepare?

This reminded me of that whole soy thing you did years ago. Remember?

It's really not bad. The Tofurky company has a lot of different soy/tofu meats that are pretty good. The taste and texture is essentially like turkey without the stringiness of it, and the way I prepared it was exactly the same as one would a real turkey. I don't recommend a stuffed one, if they sell non-stuffed. The stuffing was weird.

Today I had a tofurky sausage and peppers sandwich, which was amazing.