What are your plans for 2008?

by jka12002

17 years, 3 months ago

The new year is comming in soon so i was wondering what everyone's plan for 2008 is. ill share mine later.

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

Finish my 3D model ECTO-1

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

you make a topic and don't even post what you are going to do? WTF????? lol. Well for me, stay at my current job, find a gf, buy multiple versions of the gb game, and go on another ghost hunt. among other various things that will pop up along the way.

by Chad

17 years, 3 months ago

GBN 2.0 (which includes several projects that will roll out through the year, many of which have been concepts from over 10 years ago that can finally be brought to life), begin my Ecto-1 restoration, enjoy playing every version of the Ghostbusters game on my new 1080p HDTV. I currently have a 2nd gen HD rear projection set that has lasted a great run, but needs to retire. Will make a nice 2nd TV once I finally buy a house. Many exciting things for the community in 2008, you're at the right place at the right time!

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

wait chad i thought you've been working on restoring the ecto-1 for like 2 years now?

by Chad

17 years, 3 months ago

wait chad i thought you've been working on restoring the ecto-1 for like 2 years now?

No, I've been saving my $$$ so I can send it off and have the restoration take place from start to finish without the car sitting in a lot or a garage doing nothing. This will allow me to document the more process and share it with the community.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 3 months ago

Well get my sorry ass in shape, definately.

My friend and I film our indy film and get it distributed.

Get me a motorcycle, even a used one to start riding.

Pay off even more debt, getting closer!

by Mat.

17 years, 3 months ago

Get out of the shops, and into the field where the big bucks are. Sad, but it's true. 23.80? F*ck that. It's a welder thing. Working the grind as a helper on the pipeline ranks up there as my main priority. It gets one into a high paying job, if you stick with it. The same goes for anything.

GF's are over rated, all my exes are over-rated (and looking at what they turned into, I really don't feel a loss!)

The current one supports my decisions, but can she handle me being away for months at a time? Time will tell, lol!

And to cut back on the drinking. I drink WAAAY to much. Only beer these days, but back in the day, Tequila. Man….Falling off a deck and smoking my head off a car, yacking in the bushes, and in a totally un-related situation, the hotel room incident did that for me. No more hard stuff!

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

wait chad i thought you've been working on restoring the ecto-1 for like 2 years now?

No, I've been saving my $$$ so I can send it off and have the restoration take place from start to finish without the car sitting in a lot or a garage doing nothing. This will allow me to document the more process and share it with the community.

ahh, so that's why i have't seen updates of late with the ecto project. i am stoked to see it when it is completed though. one day i too will have my own ecto.

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

It would be funny if Chad just stuck his ECTO-1 on a flatbed truck and had it shipped off to Boomerjinks and had him do all the work. I mean we all seen how good Boomerjinks fixes up cars, he would be an ideal person for the job.