What browser is GBN designed to support?

by back

21 years, 9 months ago

I do remeber chad mentioning IE (Internet Explorer), but some of the others just dont cut it. does our mac users systems support IE or are they stuck with the difficulty of use with netscape?
im gone.

by brian_reilly

21 years, 9 months ago

It looks fine in Mac IE 5, haven't tested in Netscape though. Also, It works nicley in Apple's own Safari web browser for Mac, but Safari's still in Beta, so instead of the “Reply To Topic” button changing to a greyed out “Posting Please Wait…” button, it just goes grey and you get a dialog box that says “Posting Please Wait…”

The only difference that I noticed between the Mac IE appearance of the site and PC IE appearance of the site, is a small colour difference. This, however, is due to Apple's ColourSync technology whihc ensures that all Macs have exactly the same colours despite difference in monitors, video cards, etc…

by CaptainN

21 years, 9 months ago

On the Windows end of things GBN displays the same way in IE, Netscape, and Mozilla. Mozilla is what I use now.


by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 9 months ago

I only use Netscape, and it works perfect, I dont understand how you guys use IE yuck!

by brian_reilly

21 years, 9 months ago

You mean Netscape “Type 11 Error” Navigator?

by Egon13

21 years, 9 months ago

Bo and I use Avant Browser. It's based off of like Opera and IE. It's really great, GBN looks just fine on it. Check it out: AvantBrowser.com

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 9 months ago

im now using avant, thanks for the tip.

by dantheman1

21 years, 9 months ago

brian_reilly wrote: Safari's still in Beta, so instead of the “Reply To Topic” button changing to a greyed out “Posting Please Wait…” button, it just goes grey and you get a dialog box that says “Posting Please Wait…”

Yeah, whenever I reply to a topic I get a little Javascript pop-up that says “Posting Please Wait…” that I have to “OK” before it takes me back to the thread. The only real problem I've had with using Safari at GB.net is the chat window locks up quite often. Other than that, Safari's been killer so far, I hardly ever use IE anymore…

by brian_reilly

21 years, 9 months ago

Also, in Safari, when you go to Reply to a post and you're not yet logged in, after loggin in it brings you back to the main Post, not the Reply form.

Haven't had any problems with chat yet

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

I use Msn expolorer works great.