What can we do to see the movie get made?!!

by journeyman2x

22 years, 9 months ago

Is there ANYTHING us the fans can do to see that GB3 gets made? (I mean there has to be something that can be done. There is still a pretty large fanbase for GB. I got to do something to make me think there is still a chance.

by NetSolo

22 years, 9 months ago

We got to pray…

(Chorus breaks in with) Pray!

We got to pray just to make it today. And the MC Hammer references are spent.

But to be completely honest that's all that can be done right now. Petitions are nice, but still don't show Sony the dollar signs they need to force Bill to sign that contract (or shell out the dough he's asking).

In my own honest opinion, if we're patient- we will see the flick in the near future. Dan's still got it in his heart. 80s nostalgia is kicking in, albeit slowly… give it time.

by DocEggman

22 years, 9 months ago

Watch Men In Black. Watch it multiple times. Watch it with friends. If it does extremely well, chances are the first thing Sony/Columbia will want to do is make a sequel. Considering how hard it was to get all the right parties to agree the second time around, they'd probably consider alternatives - among them resurrecting the Ghostbusters franchise.