What car do you think they will use?

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 4 months ago

Would be funny if they get a new car by their new corporate management / marketing / CEOs / Weapons / Science Department. They also gave them new packs and weapons, and a shiny new car. However the packs add to the problem in the movie (say an inter-dimension thingy) and the car is crumpled by a huge ghost (or Winston makes it have an ‘accident’)

They'd have to grab their packs and jump-start their Ecto-1 from a GB Museum to ‘Save The World’

I think Columbia wanted them to put a big ole “Enjoy Coca Cola” sign on the Ecto 1 in GB1…

by Jack

15 years, 4 months ago

I think Columbia wanted them to put a big ole “Enjoy Coca Cola” sign on the Ecto 1 in GB1…

Aaah, advertising is everywhere!

by Ect0

15 years, 4 months ago

A 73 Pinto with 22" inch rims and a blue light bar would rock. But no, they really should use the original Ecto to atleast try to stick to its originality.

by Verdic

15 years, 3 months ago

Children. I like that, it's cute, it makes you seem very articulate. Suffice to say that because you don't appreciate my opinion doesn't mean squat to me or anybody else and if you were an adult, as you obviously allude to being you could have constructed your argument a little more with just the facts and less with childish insults.

I don't know how much stock you take into the fact the first real Ghostbusters project the original actors have been involved in in the last twenty five years is the video game. Ontop of that the fact that the original equipment hasn't changed. It's only been added to. So you don't like the possibility that this may lend credence to my theory. I have every right to be confident as you. Strange, at least I didn't insult anybody while voicing my opinion.

How many “reboots” or “remakes” have you seen where they take all of the props used in the original and then turn around and use them in the new movie 25 years later?

Sony didn't put money into fixing up Ecto for a new movie. In case some of you children haven't noticed, the movie hasn't been “green lit” yet. That basically means don't hold your breath. So your argument is that Sony knew they might be considering a new movie a year into the future so that's why they fixed up the car? Why didn't they just use the original Ecto, the original GB patch and not introduce the slime blower in GB2? BTW, Sony put money into Ecto so that they could parade it around to hundreds of events around the country to promo the video game and the blu ray. The first time they refurbed Ecto was to promo the slime pack DVD set. If it wasn't for these new money making projects, they wouldn't have spent a dime on it. They don't care about you and your precious love for Ghostbusters… Well maybe they do from a marketing standpoint only…

Similarly, Dan only went to see the Ecto after being refurbed so that Sony could put it on the Blu Ray and then promo that as a REASON FOR YOU TO BUY IT! In case you didn't know, Dan owns 1/5 of the rights to Ghostbusters. He makes money on everything that has a no ghost logo on it! He actually made money by going to drive the Ecto around because it sold more copies of the Blu Ray. He didn't just do it because he's a nice guy that genuinely cares about the car! How naive can we be!?

This is just like the video game, everyone here is so desperate to see a complete rehash that they hope nothing new is done to the franchise and that everything should just reinforce what they already believe. Well guess what? That isn't how Hollywood works! Sorry folks, but there is going to be a new story, new characters, and yes, NEW equipment. Like think about it, with all the advances in technology, why would the GBs still be using stuff from 1984? That makes absolutely no sense.

Get ready for big changes if there is a new movie. Most of you probably won't like those changes!

by 9sam11

15 years, 3 months ago


Idc about whats rational, it's a movie about people who catch ghosts, it doesn't have to make sense.

Does it make sense for a group of 60 year olds be running around the city in 20 year old technology driving a broken down car as old as they are???


But i'll be damned if thats not what I want to see when I step into the theater.

by Ghostbuster570

15 years, 3 months ago

they should keep things original, why would we want to see a movie where things are completely different from the original? the car should be an updated version of the ecto1 just dont go over board with the gizmos and gadgets and keep it simple like in gb2

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 3 months ago

So bassically what they did with the Ecto-1A? Don't get me wrong cause it's was still a cool upgrade for the car, but I felt it to be over crowded for the roof rack.

by Ghostbuster570

15 years, 3 months ago

a simple upgrade to the car would be better than going off the original car and doing something new, i would go with the car from the game, original design and a little extra added to it

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 3 months ago

Children. I like that, it's cute, it makes you seem very articulate. Suffice to say that because you don't appreciate my opinion doesn't mean squat to me or anybody else and if you were an adult, as you obviously allude to being you could have constructed your argument a little more with just the facts and less with childish insults.

I don't know how much stock you take into the fact the first real Ghostbusters project the original actors have been involved in in the last twenty five years is the video game. Ontop of that the fact that the original equipment hasn't changed. It's only been added to. So you don't like the possibility that this may lend credence to my theory. I have every right to be confident as you. Strange, at least I didn't insult anybody while voicing my opinion.

No care ever.


by Kingpin

15 years, 3 months ago

Verdic isn't being a dick (That is, if your remarks were directed at him and not at Stayinpuft, who I'm inclined to believe was your intended recepient, Crimson). There is certainly a precedent for revamping and updating things, so in a hypothetical third Ghostbusters movie there's a good chance Ecto-1 will be replaced by something more modern.

But there's nothing saying they wouldn't bring back the classic. The first car is all shiny and running again, and if you ask me is in fighting condition to take back to the streets of New York… especially with it being so iconic.

Stayinpuft, firstly, take yourself off of your ivory tower, tone down the attitude and aloofness. The people you call children are exhibiting more maturity then you are.

A lot of the points you've made would actually be more accurate if we were dealing with a franchise reboot, not a simple sequel.

Jim, admittedly this is what I've heard, so take it at face value, but rumor was Dan tried to purchase one or both of the Ectos, but Sony wouldn't have any of it.

I can also see why Dan did the Ecto restoration besides money, the man is passionate about the franchise… and if you ask me, the excitement he shows at seeing the restored car, and driving it, is genuine. He's not just there to cash another royalty cheque.

Also, the XGB Ecto-1 did have two lightbars. I'm not sure why you felt there was only one.

My choice for any ‘update’, would be to go the videogame route, a Ecto-1 with 1A livery (but with the classic logo) and with a toned down roof-rack, similar to the original. A good mix of elements from both movies that remains practical.