What didn't you like about the game?

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

This is just something I was wondering about in this community.

We all know that the majority response IS positive and I'm not here to be negative but there are a few things I was bothered by.

I'm not talking about having a co-op mode on PS3 and 360 or gameplay options that you wish were implimented I'm talking about things that you didn't like that were in the actual game, failure to execute basically.

I was bothered by a few things but ONLY one stood out. I love Bill Murray and wanted to like his voice over's but this is a weird one, never thought I'd be bother by a voice over but he sounded like he was doing Garfield voice work, not Peter Venkman voice work, am I alone there?

by 9sam11

15 years, 8 months ago

Agree on peter, i thought the other voices where great though.

Lack of Winston, why is it necessary to leave him out all the time, i think by now he is as much a GB as the other guys.

by theo1361

15 years, 8 months ago

I just didnt like the fact that your name tag said ROOKIE and their was no face creator it could have brought you more into the game. But it was good none the less and now we know why we cant drive ecto 1 ha ha

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 8 months ago

it was kind of short and some of the levels got kind of old, the sewers sucked. Still a fun game though. I beat the game, i dont remember seing the cut scene where the gost are chasing after them in the ecto. where was that at in the game?

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 8 months ago

I thought Ramis' lines sounded the most forced. Half the time it sounds like he's not really paying attention.

Also, why is everyone flailing around all the time when they're talking (during cut scenes)? I know that it's a fine line to make an animated character look alive, but seriously, it seemed like people -the mayor, in particular- were going into fits.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 8 months ago

Personally I think hes venkman style ands attitude and bored sounding voice now is closer to venkman from the real ghostbusters cartoon series who was voiced by lorenzo music(AKA GARFIELD) and thats just fine with me.

he sounds bored and unenthusiastic because his character is probably bored of ghostbusting by then and Venkman has always just been in it for the chicks and the money he was never excited about it.. I mean watch the movies again he is pretty much the same…

This is just something I was wondering about in this community.

We all know that the majority response IS positive and I'm not here to be negative but there are a few things I was bothered by.

I'm not talking about having a co-op mode on PS3 and 360 or gameplay options that you wish were implimented I'm talking about things that you didn't like that were in the actual game, failure to execute basically.

I was bothered by a few things but ONLY one stood out. I love Bill Murray and wanted to like his voice over's but this is a weird one, never thought I'd be bother by a voice over but he sounded like he was doing Garfield voice work, not Peter Venkman voice work, am I alone there?

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

My biggest peeve was, the fact that, the proton pack/proton beam sounds, were just a tad low, but yet the venting sounds were alright. Other than that it was AWESOME!(*peter)

by superstarseven

15 years, 8 months ago

Too short.

To add on to that, I saw a video review that essentially said “If you're a hardcore gamer you'll hate this game but if you're a GB fan then you'll love it”.
It's funny how he was going back and forth on how hardcore gamers will think this is trash and how their hands will only be tainted by picking it up.
Although for the Ghostbusters fans…this'll make your dreams come true there won't be anything wrong with it.
He also said something about how the game was made for “Movie-goers” and not gamers. I've never heard of that before.

So I ask the Ghostbusters fans here who just happen to be Hardcore gamers…how is it being a living oxymoron and what complaints do you have about the game?

by demonaz

15 years, 8 months ago

Frustrating instances where I would get knocked down and nobody pick me up, or they wouldn't pick each other up. Nothing too bad.

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 8 months ago

I felt that the game was too short. There was supposed to be a level with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and it was omitted…why?

Speaking of stuff that was omitted, remember the scene in the old trailer where they were dancing in Times Square? What happened to that? Anyway, I digress.

Another thing I didn't like was that when you are in the HQ, the packs were stored in the back of the Ecto-1B turned on and missing the neutrona wands. In fact, the lights on the packs are on all the time, yet there are several times you are instructed to “switch on the packs.”

Another thing that I didn't like was Shandor holding Gozer's skull. Are we to presume he “killed” Gozer for failing a second time?

Also, for someone Shandor worshipped, he certainly abandoned hope pretty quickly. Maybe if he gave Gozer the power from the containment unit or the mandala, Gozer wouldn't have failed.

Further, we never really learn how Gozer was summoned back. Sure there was that Psy-Energy Pulse, but where did it come from?

And finally, there was no third floor on the HQ. Maybe have it blocked off if you don't want to include it in-game, but don't make it “disappear.”

However, given the overall experience of the game, I can over look all these “faults.” The game was excellent and I will definitly replay it again on professional and then again minus the targeting reticule to make it even that much harder.