What didn't you like about the game?

by Mr.Jakeobs

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;149843
-The game was not 7 hours long. I only got stuck once and I began the game at 3:00pm and ended at 3:00 am. If you think it was short, it was only because you burned through it not really taking in to the good stuff the game has.

The problem with gamers today is that they are so eager to beat everything so fast that they neglect everything else.

- Did you skip through all the cutscenes or watch all of them? I'm strictly talking about the gameplay and how fast it takes to navigate through a level normally. Yeah, you can extend this playtime via cutscenes, exploring everything, and hanging out at the firehouse. I did all this too my first playthrough and it was awesome.

Scott Sommer;149843
-Well EXCUSE ME if I like to have an ACTIVE IMAGINATION. Another thing wrong with today's generation. You are the foolish and stupid one because you can't play along with anything. If being realistic means being stupid, rude and mean, then I rather be foolish and continue to have a good imagination. It was a joke BTW.

I apologize, I've seen some people read way too much into the game rather than take something as an homage or joke and leave it at that.

Scott Sommer;149843
-The mason collider was so-so. Had no real use, but it was good in multiplayer. Nothing to do about property destruction. I could do anything with any other equipment.

Thats true. But its a lot faster to use the meson collider for property destruction (during the 1st shandor boss fight was

Scott Sommer;149843
-Starting the game at full strength takes all the fun away. What's the point if I can beat all the early levels without even blinking. That is not what games are made for. I don't care if God of War is the best game ever, it blows to start the game at full strength only to say that you can beat anything in the beginning levels.

Thats why you go for a harder difficulty. Going from casual to normal with full upgrades still had normal being rather challanging at certain points. Would it be for everybody? no, but then you start a new career and do it the old fashioned way.

by batman2

15 years, 8 months ago

Finished the game last night, enjoyed most of the game, but was fustrating at times.

I played the game on Experienced Mode for a bit more of a challenge, however now playing it on Professional Mode I find it annoying that the game has degraded to the Rookie just running around picking the other Ghostbusters up as they keep getting hit. Now you simply fire of a shot and you then have to go pick someone up and then fire another shot and so on, this really ruins the game for me. Why is the Rookie better than the Ghostbusters…? it would of been better if the Ghostbusters skill level was set to be better than what the Rookie was playing at.

I was just playing the game and noticed that even though Ray and Winston had been knocked down they just continued talking as though everything was OK instead of the usual “Some help please”.

Another point that bugged me was when you wondered off to either explore or find a an object, you then had to relocate the rest of the team, would of been nice for some sort of radar system in the PKE or a Blueprint map like in the original film pop up showing you where you had to go or where the others were.

The audio in the game needed some work, when playing in surround sound it is usefull to use sound to locate where people were at, but in Ghostbusters the audio stays the same from the speakers even if the person you are looking for is in a certain location the sound just comes from every where.

The game could of been a 8/10 with more money and time spent on it, but I have to give it 6/10.

It's still a good game for the fan.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

Another point that bugged me was when you wondered off to either explore or find a an object, you then had to relocate the rest of the team, would of been nice for some sort of radar system in the PKE or a Blueprint map like in the original film pop up showing you where you had to go or where the others were.

On the 360 if you press down on the right stick (using it as a button), a locator pops up telling you where the active GBs are

by batman2

15 years, 8 months ago

On the 360 if you press down on the right stick (using it as a button), a locator pops up telling you where the active GBs are

I'll have to give that a try on my PS3 version.

by Edge

15 years, 8 months ago

I liked the first half better than the second half. Trying to figure out some of the objectives in the second half was a bit annoying.

The ending felt a little rushed after defeating the last boss.

Not that I was expecting an epic suprise, but it seemed rather abrupt.

by ParkBench

15 years, 8 months ago

Yea, I didnt like how it ended kina abruptly. Alyssa really had no lead in at the end with Peter, its not like there was tons of chemistry and flirting between the 2 throught like with Dana.. I was really pissed about hardly any mention of Dana or Oscar…mostly Dana, other than her old apartment. What gives? Its not like she was a nothing character. She should not have been ignored, pretty important. They at least mentioned Louis a couple times. I know its just a game, but at the same time thats no excuse, its more or less the 3rd movie.

Overall I loved it though, but with a short career mode, this game screams another single mode to just bust and trap away, throw in some pink slime too and be able to play as the 4 guys. Downloadable content, I pray you come through.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 8 months ago

Yea, I didnt like how it ended kina abruptly. Alyssa really had no lead in at the end with Peter, its not like there was tons of chemistry and flirting between the 2 throught like with Dana.. I was really pissed about hardly any mention of Dana or Oscar…mostly Dana, other than her old apartment. What gives? Its not like she was a nothing character. She should not have been ignored, pretty important. They at least mentioned Louis a couple times. I know its just a game, but at the same time thats no excuse, its more or less the 3rd movie.

Overall I loved it though, but with a short career mode, this game screams another single mode to just bust and trap away, throw in some pink slime too and be able to play as the 4 guys. Downloadable content, I pray you come through.

Dana's not mentioned because clearly, she dumped him again. Why would he wanna talk about an ex who broke his heart twice, especially in front of a potential booty call?

by Whisk

15 years, 8 months ago

On the 360 if you press down on the right stick (using it as a button), a locator pops up telling you where the active GBs are

oh cool, didnt know that, thanks!

by Puscifer

15 years, 8 months ago

“Enemies got way to many cheap hits in due to lack of a quick-turn or radar feature to show you if there were enemies behind you.”

This was the most frustrating thing in the game to me. I started out on medium difficulty and kept dying at Times Square. You, get the acheivement for beating the game on Casual/Medium anyway, so I started over on Casual. Still took a lot of cheap shots but at least I didn't die everytime.

Murry's dialogue sounded like he was reading a scrolling teleprompter that couldn't keep up with him, with all the odd pauses in his speech pattern. Wasn't a big deal but, just kind of off putting.

My wife's a bigger GB fan that me(I think playing the game has really rekindled my liking of the GB franchise though!)but, not as big of a gamer so she was dissapointed in no campain co-op.

That's about it though. I had a blast with it and just started the online play yesterday.

by jogi82

15 years, 8 months ago

the other weapons modes!

1. how they gets introduced!

“ah, just by the way, i played around with new stuff at our packs!”
(wow, thanks egon, couldnt u tell it me back at the firestation? i mean, im carrying that new stuff around the whole level and u telling it me now! btw, where did u carry the slime thing that appears out of nowhere at our packs?… u dont have tell me, i can smell it!)

2. they are not realy needed!
o.k. ecept for the slimestuff witch is later in the game a basic part of the gameplay, the “dark matter generator” and the “meson kolider” is basicly useles!
i mean, i dont realy need them in the whole game and they are only for playing around!
i could play the whole game with out having them because there is no ghost/entety where i have to switch to those certain weapon modes!