What didn't you like about the game?

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 8 months ago

There is already a thread about this here;


by T-G-Z

15 years, 8 months ago

I found the Messon Collider much more useful than most other people seemed to. If I scanned a ghost that had that listed as a weakness, then that was the weapon I used.

I found it especially useful against the boss. He was very vulnerable to the primary fire mode and it was good for long ranged shots to destroy those pillars that heal him. I had to do it because the AI Ghostbusters in the game are useless.

I'll agree that it doesn't do nearly enough damage to regular ghosts. It usually didn't do much more than a Boson Dart.

by T-G-Z

15 years, 8 months ago

Loved, loved, loved the game.

If I was to base my experience solely on playing on the Experienced difficulty I'd say it was perfect.

Replaying it on Professional difficulty has changed my impressions a bit.

-Ghosts with ranged attacks are too powerful. They are generally the most difficult to hit and deal the most damage. Usually enough to take you out in 1 or 2 hits. This would be fine except when there are 2 or more of them and they hit you at the same time. Also, their aim is too good and a lot of the attacks seem to do splash damage as well.
-The AI is useless. I love having the GB's there and for the first 1-2.5 levels they can even be useful. After that they're useless. They have terrible aim, don't dodge, and never (in my experience) trap a ghost on their own. It's sad having THE Ghostbusters there and having to babysit them.
-Dodging is sluggish and difficult. Add in the fact that you can't shoot while dodging and you wonder why it's even in the game.

Basically, make avoiding damage easier and I'd be very happy. I think this was supposed to be balanced by the Reviving Mechanic but this falls apart when you only have 1 or 2 other Ghostbusters and they're the ones going down all the time. In the time it takes you to revive them you usually get taken down at the same time. Then they die trying to help you. How about giving the GB's the ability to soak more damage since they don't dodge or accomplish anything on their own? If their only function is to help you up then make them better at doing it.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

To be honest I found it kinda easy on Experienced so now that i've got my 360 version I've being playing through on Professional and aside from the odd “brick wall” moments where the enemies just flood you, or a boss does something you weren't prepared for (knocking you all down and out) it's definetly a great game. The only thing i'd agree with is the ending seemed a little rushed. The Illysa/Venkman bit and the lead in to the credits just didn't fit…it could have ended slightly more cinematically. Other than that, on second playthrough (i finished it on PC on Experienced) and i'm enjoying the hell out of this game.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 8 months ago

After playing through some of the PS2 version [which has it's own faults like the mouths not moving during dialogue, even in some cinema scenes - Walter Peck I'm looking at you and the crappy “slamming” procedure], I'm noticing some things that are in this version of the game that could've been implimented in the next-gen version:

-More cut-scenes that make the experience feel more like a movie .
-Character models - Despite being charicatures - Seemed more emotive and in-character when the cut scenes were actually fully animated. ESPECIALLY Peter - Murray's dialogue rang much more true with the hand gestures and wild eye movements. The subtle nuiances of the characters SHINED in this iteration.
-Missing dialogue - Some of the jokes in this version had the missing “punchlines” that were absent in the next-gen versions, making the jokes that much more funny. As well as Janine having much more to say.
-Better use of the score - The placement of the music seemed much more appropriate in this version, and used more of the score in general.
-Firehouse used as a hub. 'Nuff said .

Despite those observations the next-gen versions have this one beat by a MILE…


EDIT: Upon completing the game I cam across a few more observations:

-Puzzles/Complexity of the levels: The levels in this version had much more going on. Some examples being the Sedgewick , the Sewers , the Cemetary . Not to mention the Shandor fight felt much more rewarding.
-Secondary Character Models: I found myself liking most of the secondary character models better, despite them being charactures .
-Level Layout: Despite not being as detailed as it next-gen counterparts, or as big in scope, I tended to prefer the layout, and color scheme of this version - ESPECIALLY the aforementioned Sedgewick, as it felt more like the version from the first movie…
-Fluidity Of The Story/Dialouge: It just seemed to flow better, and the choices of what take to use for a specific line were impeccable. Especially with Illysa.
-Callbacks To The Second Film: While the next-gen focused on GB1 callbacks, this version gave at least abit more lip-service to the second.
-Secondary Ghosts: I loved the way the Grave Gollum was portrayed in this version, as well as ghosts here that weren't in the next-gen versions such as the Malevolent Echos, the 8-Bit ghosts, the Snot Hags, the T-Rex, the Black Slime Elemental, the Black Slime Spiders, the Shadow Babies, the Slime Dogs , the Slime Lab Elemental, and even the Black Slime Boss . Made for a more well-balanced roster.
-Camera-Angles: I found that this version made better use of camera angles during the cut-scenes that added that much more to the overall feeling of the game.
-THE ENDING: Again it flows better, MUCH better segway into the “franchise” speech, you actually get to see it, and it's a nice touch that they all look at YOU and ask “would you like to head up the new franchise?” Not to mention the “bust Slimer” mini-game running throughout the credits!!

by metallico33

15 years, 8 months ago

Dark matter generator is good against those ghost you have to just shoot at them like the ones on the library or the mannequins at the museum, just have to put all the upgrades and freeze them then blast them with the secondary fire (shotgun kind of blast) works good, when you freeze them, just let the other gbs blast them.

by Verdic

15 years, 8 months ago

The upgrades show up at different times to introduce some variety. While I do agree with you that they are not introduced logically.

It would make more sense to introduce them at the firehouse where we could have seen some good cut scenes or ingame cinema's about how they're installed. It certainly pulls you out of the immersion if you dwell on it.

On Experienced difficulty I found the Meson Collider's secondary fire Pulse Overload extremely useful after its upgrades. Tag them, let the pulse rip and they're worn out in no time. Far more efficient than the Boson Dart and a much longer range than the Shock Blast.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

I tried the PS3 version, yesterday. In the Hotel bust, the ghosts look perfect but their charisma doesn't reflect in the game; you can approach them like if they were an ordinary object. Unless they were already into an attack position, I wish they would just fade away, when too close, when they aren't running away. Also, they're too much on you like bad bugs, when they're supposed to be more strategic, no ghost approachs or act like this in GB; when I saw the preview, where the player moves almost under slimer, I was afraid to find the same in the game, it needs a fix on the simulation. they're too much nose to nose, this should be kept for special action only (like surprise attack), to make the ghost look more alive/powerful/scary. Sometimes they are even stoped by the environment.

But don't get me wrong, the game is not bad at all, I'm Electrified by this game; I'm even PAYING 2$ to play it for like 20 minutes at my videostore (well, it depend of the color that gives you their machine :p), it's enough to say!

Your character turns too quickly on himself, compared to his impact on the stream when he pulls it, in result, the ghost stays where it is and the stream turns like into an elastic, revealing the fishing engine. When you are trying to trap a ghost, this movements doesn't fit realy well with the scene; it would be better to keep a straight powerful stream, with a character holding like a rock against the pressure; very slow movements in result, to make you feel the strenght working against the supernatural activity and technology.

I think it would be better to create an effect in the screen, or around the screen, or on the ghost, or around the player (like a “wind” fx), to make you feel/know that your stream hits the ghost and affects it. Or maybe I couldn't see anything under the action. I'm not talking about the capture stream.

I would prefer the capture stream to be automatic, like on PS2, where it activates when the ghost is weak. Or maybe a “turn on/off” option in the menu, to leave it to the game, because some like the “press button”. The slam action looks too violent, it's like the ghosts doesn't have any power. It would be better to change the “slam” action into a “push” action against the ghosts movements, which will not send automaticly each time the ghost against the walls/floor/ceiling. The result will be the same but it will look more real. Just reduce the power of the “slam” action.

The stream can go way too far… but it looks great in the street level :-)

To my taste, the last StayPuft level was better on PS2; throwing pieces of building and marshmallow. In the second fight, a more slowly dominating apparition to the roof would have made him look more impressive. It surprising they didn't add on PS3 the video where Egon is searching for Staypuft after he explodes. On PS2, the video where Winston is reading the archives in the library is replaced by a simple radio communication during gameplay; some might like it but I prefer to have the video on P3.

If you didn't play Ghostbuster: the videogame yet, play the PS2 version before, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the parallel univers. It makes me even want to play the DS version! But I have read somewhere that the Wii has more content than the P2.

I had another surprised when I had my PS2 game, it was in FRENCH! Ray and Egon's voice are the same as in the movies, but not Venkman, and that's bad. He had a lot of personality in the movie and it's a big lost. Some people have critics about Bill Murray in the game, but I say he's very cool; in the french version, I can say that I have some of the same critics I've read here, like this unknown person seems to be talking more to himself in some scenes… or maybe the scene isn't correctly made? The person who plays Winston is the same one who plays Eddie Murphy in the french movies versions; very good in some levels of the game.

On PS2, not only you have a beautiful hightech proton pack which doesn't need a cable between the neutrona wand and the pack, but nothing happens when you cross the streams! Isn't that great!? Something amusing: in the big final, when the ghostbusters cross the streams on the big evil, they give you all the time to satisfy your view of this last scene; you can walk around the place, see everyone on all angles, and…. SLIME THEM with the SlimeBlower! What will happen? They will shutdown their streams, leaving the powerful one they created still active on your worst enemy who stays paralysed. The ghostbusters won't do any action, the game will stay like this until you shoot the big stream to end the game. What I didn't like is the neutrona wand, when it has the slimetank on it, it looks like one of these giant waterguns you love during summer :p

*A Fantastic fisherman level (“is there a bathtub overflowing!”)!

*Wonderful Ecto1 level, très movie style, great idea!

*Spectacular StayPuft street level (you wanna break in a theater in the middle of the night to plug your console on the big screen!)

Realy, it must have been HeLL for the game designers to create this *Blockbuster Game*. What Results!

I didn't finish the game on PS3 so I cannot talk more about it… what the hell! BUY this game! Something tells me that it'll help a new movie to come! How bout that, I need the english version!

*WoW, nice editboard!*

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 8 months ago

Excuse my english but I think the whole damn game sucks major ass!!!!!

I will never buy another ghostbusters game, I bought 3 ghostbusters games and every frigin one of them glitched all to hell on the PS2

I hated it
Very poor quality, Very Very Poor(*flame)

Most of my other friends I email and talk to didnt like it either, not only is it too hard, its quality is also poor, so your lucky if you get to the end without it glitching

Sad, very dissapointed in the long waite

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

Why, after saying it's a BlockBuster Game, I'm not surprised to read what's above :p