What didn't you like about the game?

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm just a little upset, sorry about the bad english but I had just got back from Exchangin all 3 ghostbuster games at game stop for something that actually works

I guess i am more mad because i am disapointed, mainly because they glitch so BAD on the PS2's its not even worth bothering with not unless you can buy a whole case of them to go through to figure out wich ones work, and thats just BS, so I give up on it and traded for other games,

Oh well

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, yes, the PS2 contains a few bugs I guess, got mine and, like I've said here:


I had a few problems, some frustrations too, but the game is nice, it has good things in it! It's even better than what we had in the past. I had to do the cemetery level on PS2 like five or six time, yes, before the game survived to the fatal cinematic; the ghosts can be stuck in the environment; you might reboot a few time but it's 50-50, there's alot of fun in it too!


And its price of 25$can, as a new product on the market, explains alot. It's a fair price, considering the bugs. And as a GBfan, you'll be happy to get it at this cost.

I finished the game twice, from the hardest difficulty to medium, I'm about to try it on the easy mode, just for fun. The game on PS2 is not that hard, I can tell you; it's for a young audiance, no surprise there when looking at the controls; my six years old nephew is able to trap the ghosts all by himself and that's great!

And it's even funny enough for me! The game freeze? I reboot and bust again!

If the price was higher, I would probably have your negative reaction. But I was finaly able to finish the game and becose of that I forget the bugs… well, I try :p :-)

Why do I think this negative comment was made in order for me to say something good after my own negative comment in my other thread?

(I only hope to play with the sound high enough one day to completely understand and feel the story; this building sucks; we can hear everything, we had noise problems and there's even drugs in it. What the hell am I doing here, well, I never studied :p no wonder why I'm stuck here. Wish I had a PS3 or 360 to feel the new game but I guess I'll have to wait. At least, there's worst place than here…)

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm going to make a sweeping generalisation here and this is based on my experience alone, but as of recent the PS2 has been recieving the short end of the stick in most of the new games. Guitar Hero World Tour was glitched to hell, load times were a few minutes. I think it's just that they're being ported rather poorly now, I have a feeling alot of games are being ported to the PS2 from the Wii instead of the other way round. It's a dying console, i'm amazed it wasn't phased out as quickly as the PSOne.

But, then again, if the Wii version is just as glitchy then it's a shame. The next-gen versions are top notch though!

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

The meson collider is great against the smaller minions and blows them to hell in a second. The slime is good against anything with dark slime, the stasis beam is good for when you have something big. Though it is optional, you can use the slime, meson and proton stream all the time.

by GhostbusterLena

15 years, 8 months ago

I have to agree, but I didnt make me upset or anything I just had to wonder how Egon pulled Slime tanks and the other addons out of his ass all of a sudden, so it made me laugh instead. Definatly wasnt logical. Though on the Wii version this works out pretty well, being its a cartoon but the realistic version definatly not.

by Mr.Jakeobs

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm going to make a sweeping generalisation here and this is based on my experience alone, but as of recent the PS2 has been recieving the short end of the stick in most of the new games. Guitar Hero World Tour was glitched to hell, load times were a few minutes. I think it's just that they're being ported rather poorly now, I have a feeling alot of games are being ported to the PS2 from the Wii instead of the other way round. It's a dying console, i'm amazed it wasn't phased out as quickly as the PSOne.

But, then again, if the Wii version is just as glitchy then it's a shame. The next-gen versions are top notch though!

It made sense to make a PS2 version simply due to the fact that it is the most popular and best selling console in history with possibly the best game library for any console ever. One of the main reasons Sony hasn't completely abandoned it is because it still makes a ton of money for the company. I own an Xbox 360 as well as a semi-powerful PC that allows me to play damn near anything and yet I still play my PS2 more (admittedly, mostly because of fighting games) than the others.

As for the PS2 game, I don't know anything about that, I have the 360 version but apparently the Wii version is the buggiest game ever and the PS2 is actually better than it. Take that for what you will.

by Nate-GhostbusterLord

15 years, 8 months ago

the abrupt ending was kind of a shame. I was hoping they would show scenes with them and their names like in the films. the lack of levels was kinda disappointing as well, namely the parade level. I was really looking forward to it especially after they showed off the crowd tech and what not. an extra level would have made the game feel a bit more complete. the lack of Louis is never a good thing but at least they mention him at the end and they have his desk in the game. but besides that I have very few complaints.

by batman2

15 years, 8 months ago

Maybe they took the level out only to sell it back to you as downloadable content.

I remember with Resident Evil 5, they did something similar and the extra content was actually on the disc and what you downloaded was just a set of instructions for your console to access the hidden content already on your disc that you have already paid for.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 8 months ago

I didn´t like the fact that there´s no 2 players mode… only by playing LIVE. I thought you could play multiplayer like you can on Gears of War 2, with bots instead of other players. But nop… and I want to invite to play to some friends, but I´ll need a couple of Gold memberships to do it.

by LongHairedAussieGuy

15 years, 7 months ago

I brought the PS2 PAL australian version the other day. My game played perfectly up to the Lair Of The Witch Spider I believe its called. After completing the level, I got fuzzy cut scenes. And when I started the final levels, the cut scenes on the boat were all blurry. The game did freeze a few times on the second time you go to the hotel.

I love the game, I just do not like the glitches and the freezing. The game should have been tested alot more. I was going to take it back tommorow but from what I have read on the net, everyone is having similar problems