Well, yes, the PS2 contains a few bugs I guess, got mine and, like I've said here:
http://forums.ghostbusters.net/showthread.phps=3cf9a87c96ed3d76194f894126990f98&t=11601I had a few problems, some frustrations too, but the game is nice, it has good things in it! It's even better than what we had in the past. I had to do the cemetery level on PS2 like five or six time, yes, before the game survived to the fatal cinematic; the ghosts can be stuck in the environment; you might reboot a few time but it's 50-50, there's alot of fun in it too!
And its price of 25$can, as a new product on the market, explains alot. It's a fair price, considering the bugs. And as a GBfan, you'll be happy to get it at this cost.
I finished the game twice, from the hardest difficulty to medium, I'm about to try it on the easy mode, just for fun. The game on PS2 is not that hard, I can tell you; it's for a young audiance, no surprise there when looking at the controls; my six years old nephew is able to trap the ghosts all by himself and that's great!
And it's even funny enough for me! The game freeze? I reboot and bust again!
If the price was higher, I would probably have your negative reaction. But I was finaly able to finish the game and becose of that I forget the bugs… well, I try :p

Why do I think this negative comment was made in order for me to say something good after my own negative comment in my other thread?
(I only hope to play with the sound high enough one day to completely understand and feel the story; this building sucks; we can hear everything, we had noise problems and there's even drugs in it. What the hell am I doing here, well, I never studied :p no wonder why I'm stuck here. Wish I had a PS3 or 360 to feel the new game but I guess I'll have to wait. At least, there's worst place than here…)