What didn't you like about the game?

by newrecruit1

15 years, 7 months ago

I love the game, I just do not like the glitches and the freezing.

Try this


My game never froze since then :-O

by LongHairedAussieGuy

15 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for the tips there mate. Will have to change them once I finish work and get home. Any ideas why sometimes the cut scenes go all blurry? My game worked perfectly up until the spider witch and the rivers of slime level. I wiped my disc last night, and when I put it back in, the cut scenes were not blurry anymore. I dont know if that helped really or not, I do not know much about how these things work

by IgnatzKaspir

15 years, 7 months ago

My biggest gripe would probably be that the game was too linear and straight-forward; the level designers set up a basic path for you to get through each level, and there was little freedom for deviation from that path. But overall I thought the game was fantastic, and I mostly just have minor nitpicks about it. I won't list them all, but a few that come to mind are:

- Only four Proton Packs were apparently stored in the Ecto-1, and none of them had the gun portion attached.

- While following the Librarian ghost around the Library, there were opportunities to shoot it, but it showed NO reaction to being shot at most of the time.

- During the Return to Hotel Sedgewick mission, there were times when the other Ghostbusters were walking through the pitch dark hotel without their flashlights on.

- The Proton Pack “reloading” feature looked cool, but seemed to be an impractical and overly intricate function to be added, when the packs worked fine in the movies without any such function.

- Your character doesn't talk, and isn't given an actual name.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

Well I agree with most of those, except for the over heating.

If you could shoot for however long you wanted, there would be no game really, especially in multiplayer. It just brings a “cautious” feel to the game.

In the movies though, they never really showed them shooting them for that long.

by VirusZero

15 years, 7 months ago

What I didn't like about the game was mostly that you only felt like you got a few upgrades… I mean I would have loved to see more upgrades for the packs and character. Such as:
- Additional cooling units to slow down heat generation.
- Strengthen the capture stream. (As in can either capture ghosts a bit earlier or more easily wrangle the weakened ones. )
- Pack lightening that allows you to move a bit quicker.
- Enhanced flightsuit that reduces your damage.

Possibly have additional levels of the upgrades, such as having 3 levels of the proton stream attack power, 3 levels of the cooling. Then similar for the boson darts…
Increase damage 3 levels, reduce heat 3 levels, reduce close up damage, increase firing speed. More or less split some of the upgrades up a bit.

Also, I like the Meson's overload pulse from multiplayer better than the single player version… I rarely used the rapid fire version of it.

Twould also have been nice to see more levels and/or side levels. Such as actually going on jobs in New York. And maybe actually have some jobs where you're in the streets with people about and whatnot. Possibly even have the multiplayer type jobs in the single player campaign as the type of jobs you can go on.

Though it would have been really cool for the realistic versions to be more like the Rev and be able to have splitscreen multiplayer.

Though I'm hoping they do a Ghostbusters: the videogame 2 and take all that was good from this game and fix all the issues.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 7 months ago

Any ideas why sometimes the cut scenes go all blurry? (…) I wiped my disc last night, (…) the cut scenes were not blurry anymore. I dont know if that helped really or not,

My cutscenes change each time I play. Sometime it's good, sometime it's bad. Weird, eh?


I have noticed one thing between the PS2 and PS3/360. The capture. On PS2, it's like in the movie, your stream shutdown over the trap. On PS3/360, it's a RGB style, you need to hold the ghost above the trap until it close. It's not negative, just a comment.

I wish we could shorten the stream when holding a ghost, instead of walking backward each time.

In the first battle against Shandor, on PS3, you don't need to push him down the portal, like on PS2, and in the last battle on PS3, you don't have the pleasure of crossing the stream, like on PS2. The PS3 put all the ending in the cutscene, more gameplay was possible there, the PS2 gives you the feeling of doing it all.

The pack is soo loaded at the end that it almost look like if it has christmas lights on it. The “orange weapon” (sorry, dont remember its name) wasn't also realy needed.

The signs that you can see only with the googles are there only for the show. I wish they had more utility.

In the end, the game have the same problem that all today's games have: the interaction between your character and the team (even the ghosts) feels artificial. How you acting around them, how they acting around you. That's the biggest challenge to beat for all programers today and the futur.

Some upgrades suggested above sounds good, but less weight, enhanced flightsuit to reduce damage, more firing speed, more damage, less close up damage, will turn everything like these “arcade, first person shooter, online games” where everyone tries to be a god. Do this on the new game and you will reduce the simulation.

Twould also have been nice to see more levels and side levels. Such as actually going on jobs in New York. And maybe actually have some jobs where you're in the streets with people.

I agree, they should have done a C64 type of bonus game, for more gameplay. You're in GBHQ, you got a call, you drive to the place, search the area, bust and this until the final.

And why not this StayPuft minigame someone once suggested, where you make damages until the GB finaly put an end to the carnage. A view from the sky would lower the weight of this minigame.

by LongHairedAussieGuy

15 years, 7 months ago

I am getting tired and frustrated of the freezes now. I am up to one of the final levels. I just killed the stone thing, and made the object roll down the slope, and as soon as Venkmen comes out of wall, it freezes and makes a horrible noise. As much as I dont want too, I am seriously thinking of returning the game. The game should have been tested alot more before it was released. I have never ever played a game with serious freezing and glitches like this before. And in a ghostbusters game no less…….

by IgnatzKaspir

15 years, 7 months ago

Well I agree with most of those, except for the over heating.

If you could shoot for however long you wanted, there would be no game really, especially in multiplayer. It just brings a “cautious” feel to the game.

In the movies though, they never really showed them shooting them for that long.

I probably should've better clarified what I meant; I have no problems with the fact that the Proton Pack can overheat. The overheating feature does make the game more interesting, IMO. I just thought the whole process of the cores coming out and spinning around and such was a bit much. But understandably, it would be more dull to simply have steam spray out upon “reloading,” as I believe was the original intent of the game designers.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 7 months ago

But understandably, it would be more dull to simply have steam spray out upon “reloading,” as I believe was the original intent of the game designers

I don't know about it but it's like this on PS2. And the lights on the pack only change colors when you change weapon mode. Only the four lights on the cyclotron change color and the others are not animated. You cannot also cool the system manualy.

by ivoshandor1

15 years, 7 months ago

I don't really care for the XBox Live stuff. It could have been done much better, IMO.