What didn't you like about the game?

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 8 months ago

yeah, what happened to the whole parade scene? they had a clip of it when the gb's were watching tv but that was it.

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

Speaking of stuff that was omitted, remember the scene in the old trailer where they were dancing in Times Square? What happened to that?

That was a ‘just for fun’ render.

by mdp872105

15 years, 8 months ago

The main peeve I had was upgrades where to easy to obtain. They was cheap and did not take to long to get. However this was on medium and I have notice it was starting to get a little harder on professional. Also the animations where off during some of the cut seems. However overall I loved it.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

not that i didn't like it, just curious what happened to the “chase scene” with all the ghosts chasing ecto-1b

by jayroc1234

15 years, 8 months ago

The main peeve I had was upgrades where to easy to obtain. They was cheap and did not take to long to get. However this was on medium and I have notice it was starting to get a little harder on professional. Also the animations where off during some of the cut seems. However overall I loved it.

so far i think im halfway into the game (just completed the level where the portals first appear; after capturing Eleanor Twitty), but so far it seems that the equipment is easy and fast to get (but then again, the Ghostbusters charge maaaad money for their services and from all the jokes behind the warrenties n stuff seem to keep reeling more n more money in u know)…other than that i thought the loading screen started to get pretty annoying, seemes like i was watching a preview or another gameplay/demo vid on the internet…the rest was great! i wasnt dissapointed by venkmans VO bc he has always given me the feeling that even in the movies, he is very sarcastic about their business and seems to be making fun of it…i love the game soo far…n love teh fact that after every ghost-scan, i immediately read its stats n info, theres just sooo much detail, it really feels like the movie that gives u the GB experience, rather than it being a game

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 8 months ago

The Wiimote is either WAY too sensitive, or not sensetive enough.

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 8 months ago

not that i didn't like it, just curious what happened to the “chase scene” with all the ghosts chasing ecto-1b

Probably what skankerzero said: A “Just for fun” render.

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

That was a ‘just for fun’ render.

That answers my other gripe because that render kinda made me expect a parade level but that's no one's fault but my own because just because it's in a trailer doesn't mean it HAS to be in the game. When I saw the scene with Murray, Ramis and Danny doing the dance through times square, I assumed it wouldn't be in the game. I have no qualms there i figured it was a just for fun type render. It's great to get that explaination. I overall have NO qualms with the development aspect of the game. In terms of converting this franchise into a game, it's a VERY difficult task because it's a repetitive task. As Stantz paints it in the basement “Zap'em, Cap'em, Trap'em” or…obliterate them. The canon of the tech doesn't allow for much else so you can't stretch it to more than a few levels. I wasn't surprised that it was considered “short” and as a community it's not a shock that everyone feels the game was short because we all wish it could go on forever…but if it did, it would feel too extended.

In response to the poster who said Egon sounded odd….i didn't see that at all, Egon IS odd, he's the techie. Murray just sounded like he was voicing a Garfield movie. I don't disrespect your opinion, to each his own…he didn't “mail it in” but I think maybe he lost the grasp on the Venkie character? at least from a voice-over perspective.

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

That was a ‘just for fun’ render.

Ahem… That's a bit lame.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

The voice acting is great to me, no issues. I hate NO jumping, or at least climb over stuff. You have to blast it or wrangle it out of the way. I haven't beat it but I can see it is short and I really wished it would be longer. Also, no offline split screen co-op and I know the game can do it. Also just a tad more refinement in the aiming as it sometimes isn't as smooth as I like. Overal fantastic game, not just being a ghosthead, but great job. The DLC even though we will pay for it will be worth it.