What didn't you like about the game?

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

Ahem… That's a bit lame.

We always do ‘just for fun’ stuff. Rainmaker did the dance.

If it wasn't for the ‘just for fun’ stuff, I wouldn't have put any of the references into the firehouse. No one told me to do it, they didn't need to go in, but I did it anyway.

So no, I don't think it's lame in one bit.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally thought Janine was a little off.

Like someone mentioned before I didn't like the fact we didn't get to learn the specifics of how Gozer was resummoned…and for that matter ehy Gozer was (apparently) taking orders from Shandor.

There were a few frustrating enclosed space fights that I didn't like that caused me to go down and the only other person with me to go down before I could be revived.

Over all I thought it was beyond Awesome.

by markderidder

15 years, 8 months ago

Ahem… That's a bit lame.

Doing something “just for fun” is lame? Thats why this game is so great, because the developers had a love for the property, and constantly went above and beyond what was asked. Very surprised to read that comment.


by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 8 months ago

I got the Wii version. The game is too easy at times. I don't like that there aren't any mutiplayer games or free-for all games like they said in the early previews. That really disappointed me.

by jeffjr1

15 years, 8 months ago

to the creators this game is beutiful dont mind our being nit picky.
i have my gripes with the game particularly the lack of the glowing embers in the scaring of the walls for the ps3 version. but i love this game. at no point in the game did it feel repetitive in any way and i mostly used the proton stream. and as far as first person shooter fans not likeing this game my brother who only plays them, and hates ghostbusters loves this fricken game so he bought the xbox 360 version ….no joke lol.

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

to the creators this game is beutiful dont mind our being nit picky.

Oh no worries. I have my gripes about it too.

I'm not taking any of this personally, but I'll try and address what I can.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 8 months ago

Well I have to echo some of the things about it being too short.

I had problems with some difficultly spikes especially with the the stone angel area in central park, they just sit there and ruthlessly snipe you, but thats a minor niggle

the ending was a tad forced in my opinion and I wish we could have spent more time in the Ghostworld

thats it so far.

by Verdic

15 years, 8 months ago

Hey Skanker,

Whats up with the abrupt cut into CG and abrupt cuts back into in-game? The transition almost seems too rigid. Was that a budget issue, time issue, or an artistic decision?

With the exception of that… there were somethings I thought a stream of charged protons should blow through that they didn't. Otherwise, the game is indeed a love letter to Ghostbusters fans. It felt like I was with the guys enjoying myself. And that's perfection.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally thought Janine was a little off.

A little here and there, but age chanes peoples voices.

I did find some times the voices cut out, why I turned on subtitles.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Well I have to echo some of the things about it being too short.

I had problems with some difficultly spikes especially with the the stone angel area in central park, they just sit there and ruthlessly snipe you, but thats a minor niggle

the ending was a tad forced in my opinion and I wish we could have spent more time in the Ghostworld

thats it so far.

I am glad someone else thought that was hard too