What didn't you like about the game?

by slimerjr1

15 years, 8 months ago

the health and the saving

by Trenchgun

15 years, 8 months ago

1. No multiplayer support for the PC version. This is a game that begs to be played co-op.

2. The changing mouse acceleration. It feels like they didn't redesign the thumbstick behavior for a mouse.

3. Save points that force me to repeat scripted sequences prior to a big fight instead of just saving right before said fight. When playing on professional I regularly had to refight some sequences a dozen times before finally getitng it right.

4. Other than that I have no complaints. The save points are an annoyance I can deal with. The mouse can adjusted to. But the lack of multiplayer really is a big letdown.

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

My biggest beef with the game is the other Ghostbusters' AI. You get knocked down and they will literally stand on you while getting hit by enemies, not fight back, and not help you up sometimes. It's maddening. I mean, the game IS pretty generous with checkpoints to help cope with this, but I've started playing on the hardest difficulty and I can't get very far because the AI can barely help itself, let alone help me.

Ayame Ex_Goddess
When you beat the game, and try to start a new career on a different difficulty, you lose EVERYTHING! Items, PKE scans, etc. I wanted to scream when that happened to me. Next time, just replay missions and you get to keep everything you earned. Which begs the question, if you go back and buy an upgrade earlier than you got it the first time, will you already have it in all subsequent levels? I wouldn't know, because I had to start over…
Also this. I had scanned all the ghosts on my first play through and went to start again to beat it on the hardest difficulty and now I can't review videos I've already seen andI have to collect artifacts I've already gotten. I guess I don't mind buying the upgrades again (that's understandable) but the other stuff is pretty frustrating.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

360 verson: Length of the game, missing scenes and stuff from the trailer (as TVTropes said, never trust a trailer, no matter how awesome it is), those are my only two real big complaints.

Wii: Missing offline multiplayer.

That's, honestly IMO about it.

by PeopleBusters

15 years, 8 months ago

I do love the game played threw it almost 4 times now. But i do remmber someone metion that there be 2 out of 3 of these form ghostbusters 2

- Statue of liberty scene( could do without)
- vigo(ok so he is in the building makeing fun of you if i was shandor i know i would try and get vigo to hold of the ghostbusters)
- Scoliari brothers( I mean they were by far the coolest part of ghostbusters 2 to me and when they said all the ghost got lose i was waiting and waiting and nothing)

Other things*
- Heard someone metion the ability to look in the contanment unit guess that was bull
-to many ghost are the same i mean dont get me wrong its great catching them but should they all look the same one with a hood on one with it off and other looks like the chairman but with no yellow eye.
-those dumb pants that keep following me
-lack of winston being as he is my fav
-venkman sounds off
-multiplay is glitchy
-the ending was kinda lame.

by drstantz2

15 years, 8 months ago

They cut the driving scene and parade, fine. But why not put up the full versions (if there is full version) under a scene viewer.

Overall amazing game though.

by TimTheTerrorDog

15 years, 8 months ago

so I was over half way through the game and I came home and found that my kid had erased my save game. He had started a new one and it overwrote mine.


by Vinz-2206

15 years, 8 months ago

My list of dislikes are short:

- I know it was just a joke, but the Vigo painting being in the firehouse made the continuity nerd in me a little bothered. So, I just chose to tell myself that the mass of energy at the beginning reverted the painting of Oscar and the Ghostbusters back to Vigo. Still though, no one seems to notice.

- How easily Stay-Puft/Gozer was destroyed. He simply falls and splatters on the street? I felt that was a little too simple, and wished they actually would have used the Super Slammer on him.

- I just might be alone on this one, because I've saw several people say they didn't mind it, but the revelation that Shandor's cult created the mood slime bothered me. That was an idea I would have liked to saw stay exclusive to Ghostbusters 2.

- After many play throughs now, I think my last complaint would be a shortage of new trappable ghosts in the last two levels.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

My list of dislikes are short:

- I know it was just a joke, but the Vigo painting being in the firehouse made the continuity nerd in me a little bothered. So, I just chose to tell myself that the mass of energy at the beginning reverted the painting of Oscar and the Ghostbusters back to Vigo. Still though, no one seems to notice.

I agree with you on this point, but I rationalize it like this. Maybe the energy wave DIDN'T return him…maybe he already returned prior to the events of the game….maybe the “Ellis Island Incident” which may or may not have been what happened in 1991 was what returned him and they found a way to contain him within the painting.

What bugged me the most was How did Gozer return, How did he get summoned again and no one notice and why was it that it seemed like Gozer was doing Shandors bidding?

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

Not reading the spoilers yet, but in Vigo I was wondering that to as the Painting was of oscar and the ghostbusters all ancient painting style. BUT, remember Vigo wasn't ever captured. Yes there was an explosion, shit there was a HUGE explosion with Gozer and now look? He wasn't captured and thus over time, he regained his strength and took his place back in the painting. Though if you listen, one line talks about another 1000 years. He is waiting. Makes sense to me.