I personally wished there would have been submissions. Basically taking work from Janine while you were at the fire house and taking the Ecto 1 out (and driving it!) to a location to catch some ghost for extra cash.
Though I know this kinda resembles the old NES ghostbusters game, but the idea of a free roam for the game, would be pretty cool, and having your payment deducted from property damage and other mis haps.
Then again with all the extra money, that would mean more th either upgardes, or other unlockables like suits, etc etc.
Though the super proton pack is neat, I wouldn't mind actually having a settin where each person would wear different packs. The game would be more difficult, but it would require certain people to take certain power packs/slime blowers to beat monsters or ghosts down.
Also, I preferred more missions where you were in public buildings, than other worldly dimensions/factories. 
so you wanted a different game altogether? Don't get me wrong that would be an awesome game, but that wasn't what it was supposed to be at any point in time during the development from what I read.
Personally, I loved the game. It was good, but it wasn't great. Enemies got way to many cheap hits in due to lack of a quick-turn or radar feature to show you if there were enemies behind you. There were also several big bugs and glitches reported across the board. Including cursed pathfinding, save deletion, and dialouge cutting out.
Other than that though, almost everything about the game is fine. Controls responded correctly, everything did it's job, and it was a cohesive and really fun experience. Most of the complaints here are nit-picky and I admit I have a few nit-picky ones myself to add though:
-I personally was dissapointed that the rookie had almost no interaction with the core team whatsoever outside of cutscenes. If we can't customize the rookie at least give him a name, voice, and personality to identify with.
-I wish you could have holstered the neutrona wand if you weren't using it
in exhange for a faster building health meter or to send your health above 100% or something. If everyone else has a pointless, illogical, request for what they wanted to see in the game I want one too.
-Kept the idea that Peck was a corrupt Gozerite or whatever Shandor's people were called. Would have made his actions in the first film so much cooler. Hell, it would have been an AWESOME retcon.