What didn't you like about the game?

by flameboy2

15 years, 8 months ago

aswell as the obvious few things, the biggest dissapointment for me, was the game had to end, dang i was lovingggggggggggggggggggggg it, and bang, ivo shandor goes night night and its over, so yh although the game was frikkin amazing, it cud benefit from a longer playing time or if not longer just more things to do and interact with

I agree with this completley. The only thing I didn't like was It ended far too soon :-(

I understand it been short though as it did play like a 3rd movie, it's just I'd have appreciated more game modes. Even if, instead of having to re-do a “mission” you could just return to the locations and shoot random standard ghosts without the plot line. This would have done me. I don't like to replay games, so although I thoroughly enjoyed the play through, there is nothing to make me continue on with the game now as my only option is to repeat things I've already done.

It's like GTA, personally I never played through the stories, it was just fun to go around doing things, and that's waht this game needed. Just a bit of free roam with lots of ghosts too bust after the actual game.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 8 months ago

Overall I loved the PS3 game but find a few things about it I did/do dislike.

-I do too feel Winston was left out of the game (*winston)
-It was over sooner than expected
-Alyssa & Peck did not have as big a part as I expected :-O
-Proton Pack's upgrades went along with the game and were not available to purchase immediately
-No two player co-op mode:-(
-Once the game was completed you couldn't replay the game with a fully upgraded Proton Pack(*_*)
-Unlockable artwork & video was blah(*ray)
-If you wanted to replay the game all previous game play (on different difficultly levels) had to be deleted first(*egon)
-There was no feeling of having a break in the game. The story kept moving along and at times I wished the firehouse was used as a save point.:-(
-FREE ROAM would have been a nice addition to the game.

by theo1361

15 years, 8 months ago

another few things i noticed were ghosts going into walls and getting stuck. the occasional ghostbuster freezing up when its his que to do or say something

by OniellFord

15 years, 8 months ago

I only played the Wii version so far…

I didn't like the cartoony look and the amount of stuff that was cut, when they were in the “Realistic” versions. They made Slimer look like a nerdy Psycopath, rather than a fat green blob. Also, I did not like the way you played the game and how the game read the Wiimote. It always makes the crosshair aim waaaaay out of center and sometimes did not read me swinging the Wiimote to slam the ghosts. My wrist begins to hurt whenever I play it, so I gotta stretch and twist my arm to get the pain to go away.

I also have to agree that I did not like how the Ghosts would get stuck in some locations that make it impossible to suck them into the Trap. It's really annoying. :@

by Dmasterman

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally wished there would have been submissions. Basically taking work from Janine while you were at the fire house and taking the Ecto 1 out (and driving it!) to a location to catch some ghost for extra cash.

Though I know this kinda resembles the old NES ghostbusters game, but the idea of a free roam for the game, would be pretty cool, and having your payment deducted from property damage and other mis haps.

Then again with all the extra money, that would mean more th either upgardes, or other unlockables like suits, etc etc.

Though the super proton pack is neat, I wouldn't mind actually having a settin where each person would wear different packs. The game would be more difficult, but it would require certain people to take certain power packs/slime blowers to beat monsters or ghosts down.

Also, I preferred more missions where you were in public buildings, than other worldly dimensions/factories.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

yah know one thing i wondered, why is everyone so obsessed with “driving Ecto-1”

you want a driving game go play GTA or PGR or NFS or etc…

this, this is a Ghostbusting game, and I for one am glad you're not driving Ecto-1

by Mr.Jakeobs

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally wished there would have been submissions. Basically taking work from Janine while you were at the fire house and taking the Ecto 1 out (and driving it!) to a location to catch some ghost for extra cash.

Though I know this kinda resembles the old NES ghostbusters game, but the idea of a free roam for the game, would be pretty cool, and having your payment deducted from property damage and other mis haps.

Then again with all the extra money, that would mean more th either upgardes, or other unlockables like suits, etc etc.

Though the super proton pack is neat, I wouldn't mind actually having a settin where each person would wear different packs. The game would be more difficult, but it would require certain people to take certain power packs/slime blowers to beat monsters or ghosts down.

Also, I preferred more missions where you were in public buildings, than other worldly dimensions/factories.

so you wanted a different game altogether? Don't get me wrong that would be an awesome game, but that wasn't what it was supposed to be at any point in time during the development from what I read.

Personally, I loved the game. It was good, but it wasn't great. Enemies got way to many cheap hits in due to lack of a quick-turn or radar feature to show you if there were enemies behind you. There were also several big bugs and glitches reported across the board. Including cursed pathfinding, save deletion, and dialouge cutting out.

Other than that though, almost everything about the game is fine. Controls responded correctly, everything did it's job, and it was a cohesive and really fun experience. Most of the complaints here are nit-picky and I admit I have a few nit-picky ones myself to add though:

-I personally was dissapointed that the rookie had almost no interaction with the core team whatsoever outside of cutscenes. If we can't customize the rookie at least give him a name, voice, and personality to identify with.

-I wish you could have holstered the neutrona wand if you weren't using it
in exhange for a faster building health meter or to send your health above 100% or something. If everyone else has a pointless, illogical, request for what they wanted to see in the game I want one too.

-Kept the idea that Peck was a corrupt Gozerite or whatever Shandor's people were called. Would have made his actions in the first film so much cooler. Hell, it would have been an AWESOME retcon.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 8 months ago

To steal a line from someone else, let me preface this by saying I do enjoy the game OVERALL… As I properly predicted before the game came out, there are lots and lots and lots of problems with it…

The character models rock and I have no complaints with the voicework. I don't think Murray sounds bad, it's more the writing. His lines don't all read like Venkman lines… That's not his fault and it is hard to capture the essence of what a character would say from a 25 year old movie from a writing standpoint. Especially when they are mostly generic, throwaway lines that are injected multiple times throughout the game. “Like, Owww”.

There are lots of smaller design issues like the animation of the lights on Ecto… It was only adequately done and left alot to be desired. For example, why are the brake lights on Ecto white? Why is the red signal light on the roof rack white? Why is the middle strobe light on the roof rack animated like a gumball style RED light? Why do the grill mounted strobe lights operate like headlights? Why do the front turn signals act like headlights? The animation on the blue light bars is cartoonish… Oh, and to be accurate to the movie, the blue deck lights on the roof should blink, not just be a steady burn… In the opening menu screen, the traffic on both North Moore St and Varrick St are flowing in the opposite direction of the real streets in NYC… That last one wasn't really a complaint, just to show how neurotic I am!

More design issues… The firehouse. Lots of people have mentioned this but I need to add my spin. I was also disappointed that there was no 3rd floor… And it's like they added that ladder on the second floor just to tease us… The general design is really lacking too. I like the little “easter eggs” but they really could have watched the movies a little more to get a better layout/design on the firehouse. The only part of the second floor that looks somewhat similar to the movie is where the arcade games are next to the fire pole… I could have drawn a better layout of the firehouse on a cocktail napkin with a woman's lipstick from memory alone… Also, why do the arcade games have an “interact” option? I thought it was going to be like a game within a game GTA style… But instead it's just a 5 second thing of your character pushing the buttons… Lame.

The only thing a little awkward about the character design is their animation… When the AI characters are walking, they do that pivot type movement when avoiding objects… Like if they run into another object, they can do that rigid 360 pivot in any direction to just glitch past whatever is in their way. It's not very realistic/I thought they got passed that flaw after the N64 came out… I also don't like how there is no real “jump” button and the O (on Ps3) is for dodge/jump/run. I also don't like how the camera moves down and to the side when you are running. It's a REALLY awkward camera angle and it's hard to tell which direction you are going in with any degree of accuracy… The first time I used the run was in the Sedgewick when Peter get's slimed and Ray tells you how to run and the music from the score when Venkman gets slimed in GB1 plays…. I thought that they were just emulating the angle from the movie when the camera follows Ray as he runs through the corridors.. Sadly, I discovered that it's ALWAYS like this when you run!

In darker levels, why don't the other GB's lights operate? Only the Rookie's light works…

I also don't like how the HUD is on the corner of the pack and, as a result, the camera is ALWAYS centered on the corner of your character. Playing the game, I found I NEVER looked at the Hud and didn't really care about it… When the pack started to whistle/smoke I'd hit the cool down button… If a ghost hit me, I'd just keep playing until I died. The fact that the camera centers on the HUD also frustrated me. Imagine playing one of your all time favourite third person shooters on a 45 degree angle bias that is always zooming in onto the corner of your character's back… Not fun. The fact that you don't really have a “free angle” option to scan every part of screen (Besides the PKE mode) is really frustrating too.

My biggest complaint pre release was that the story was too derivative of the first movie… I thought the score was used too often and that too many of the same locations were being revisited. Now that I've played the game, I can confirm that the GB1 score comprises 90% of the game's score. The sad part is, I really liked the original bits of score! They sounded great and really in keeping with the Ghostbusters style.

Now that I know the story, it's way too derivative to be considered a true sequel. People complained that GB2 was basically just a carbon copy of GB1 but with a different villian. Sorry to have to say this, but this game is a carbon copy with the same villian (Gozer)… I guess we are so hungry for new content, we'll look past the fact that there's hardly an orginal idea in the story department here… I also felt that Brian Doyle Murray/Annie Potts /Alyssa Milano and William Atherton were REALLY under utilized. I could probably count the number of lines each character got on the number of fingers on both of my hands…

Multiplayer was also poorly done in my opinion. The lack of a lobby is frustrating and so is the fact that you have to add your friends specifically for the game. Why don't your friends on your PSN friend's list just automatically transfer over? Why do you have to add them a second time? Why is there no boson dart in multiplayer? Why are really small details different between the singleplayer and the multiplayer? Why is the Ecto 1 so poorly rendered in the multiplayer cemetary map? It also has the red deck lights which were changed in the singleplayer… The police cars in the singeplayer say “POLICE” while the police cars in multiplayer say NYPD and have an imitation NYPD logo on them. Was the company that made the multiplayer maps so out of touch with Terminal Reality that they just never noticed when each other made a change to something? I also have to say that the multiplayer modes are pretty simplistic and, frankly, aren't that much fun. It seems like very little time was actually spent on designing the various multiplayer modes… They had the singleplayer version already done so they basically said “hey, let's just make it multiplayer enabled as quick and cheapily as possible”.

The good things I can say about the game abound tho! The first level got me REALLY pumped and I loved the battle with Staypuft. I also love how the PKE works within the game. I also love the different weapons. They fit in great with the story and they each have a very relevant use. They weren't just thrown in there, they actually have their own function! Again, they made a lot of nice easter eggs all throughout the game and it's fun to notice them all. As derivative as it is, I did get into the story and I enjoyed it as well as any one else. I just wish that they would have made it more of a “greatest hits” GB anthology (which it IS) as opposed to trying to pass it off as a third sequel (which it isn't)…

I know I was a little rough in this post, but I thought we needed a real “critique” of the game here… I'm as big of a GB fan as anyone here and I hope people don't take this as mean/unfair. We need people to make the fair criticisms to ensure an even better product in the future. Afterall, if there was an internet 20 years ago, we might have gotten a decent NES/Genesis Ghostbusters game and not just the crap that we wound up with… Obviously though, GB: The Video Game is LIGHTYEARS beyond those games!

My advice for next time would be to have more fan input! As nice as Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd are, we know Ghostbusters better than anyone else!

by Talkc

15 years, 8 months ago

I have a major complaint having now beaten the game on professional.

The meson collider.. is USELESS. I can get more done with the other 3 upgrades of the pack. Its only required for a scant few bosses and larger ghosts… but does nothing to deter most smaller enemies, or larger animator constructs.

And i like the meson collider. I love the concept.. paint and spray… but the slime blower is more effective against the variety of enemies you face in the later part of the game where you even get the meson collider.

I slime tethered more enemies into traps then i even weakened any with the meson collider.

Also Stasis beam.. only cool against slime monsters. Otherwise its an excersize in death on Professional.

I see a lot of influence from better games that came before GB:TVG. Mainly Metroid Prime. 4 weapons 4 alternate fires, scanning for information, visor view that highlights where things were.

Hell, i had a flashback to the chozo ruins in Metroid Prime… where at one point.. YOU BUST GHOSTS.

And that 7 year old game…. is still better than the gameplay in GB:TVG. for the fact that MP made you make use of every weapon to its fullest.

Something GB was missing was multiple effective weapons for a single hard target. Ill explain. Every ghost has one stated weakness, that corresponds to one of the 4 pieces of equipment on the pack. I would have liked to seen more complex methods of taking down bosses and hard target ghosts, by requiring things like slime blowing first or slime tethering to keep them still… or stasis beam to freeze , and proton pack to grapple beam and smash the frozen target.

I dont that thats unreasonable either. If the game had been 2 levels longer, they could have implemented all that in the end. But i also understand budgetary constraints and licensing issues… that keeps franchise tie in games from being as well rounded as full fledged original IPs.

So i have one complaint really. Meson Collider. Fun but useless. ( a death trap in the graveyard )

EDIT: Not to sound like an ass.. but i still LOVED GB:TVG. It really felt like a movie. And thats all that mattered, it felt like a third Ghostbusters movie. Gameplay wise…. ive played better.. but many of those games didnt have as good of story, voice acting, or characterization.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 8 months ago

The Meson Collider's a lot more useful in multiplayer, where it's secondary fire mode works like a long distance shock blast. You can only get three shots off before you run out of ammo, but it's a significant help against the golems…but I wish that was the primary mode and the secondary was the machine gun function from single player.