15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
Scott Sommer;149738
I figure this:
-The game is not really short, it is only short because we wanted more. We expected too much when easily this movie has 2 maybe 3 times the dialogue of any movie. We expected too much from it. The game runs a good 10 hours which is how most games are today. If it was too long, some might say it went on forever.
No don't give me this bull that “if it was longer, it would have been better” because I just have one thing to say to that….Portal.
-Vigo….I also know it was just a joke and a homage, but….who said there was only one painting of Vigo?
-Meson Collider. I too indeed thought it was more or less useless. It just didn't do as much damage as I expected. I mean in the demo shown by Mark Randall, it looked like it was most powerful blaster on the pack, but the features were only set to multiplayer. True it is more useful in multiplayer, but as everyone said, it would have been better if it had more uses in the campaign field.
-I don't really care much for “keeping all upgrades as I start new campaign.” In fact, I would always play a game from the very beginning anyway even if I could start with all the upgrades. No fun if you start the game already fully loaded.
-All voice work was fine to me. No complaints. Though I do wish the one line “As far as peter and women go, I think he is more into flesh, muscle tissue and a beating heart” would have stayed in instead of “I don't think he would.” The other line was way funnier.
I was wondering for possible DLC ideas would allow us to be able to play the final scene from Ghostbusters 1 and 2 on a map a fight with Gozer.
It wouldn't be exact, but can you imagine fighting some ghosts for a while like in Survival, then the scene opens up like the doors on Dana's Apartment temple to open and you fight gozer and Stay-Puft. Same for Vigo.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
I agree with this completley. The only thing I didn't like was It ended far too soon :-(
I understand it been short though as it did play like a 3rd movie, it's just I'd have appreciated more game modes. Even if, instead of having to re-do a “mission” you could just return to the locations and shoot random standard ghosts without the plot line. This would have done me. I don't like to replay games, so although I thoroughly enjoyed the play through, there is nothing to make me continue on with the game now as my only option is to repeat things I've already done.
It's like GTA, personally I never played through the stories, it was just fun to go around doing things, and that's waht this game needed. Just a bit of free roam with lots of ghosts too bust after the actual game.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
Just thought i'd interject and say it's extremely disappointing to see Ghostheads posting more in the “What didn't you like about the game” thread than the “What did you LOVE about the game?” thread. It kinda makes me feel like no matter what TR would have done all of you would have complained. Stop me if i'm wrong here, but I thought i'd throw that little chestnut in for discussion.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
- DLC that involved new voice-overs would be really stupid as if they are going to bring the cast together again for something other than a sequel, it would be a waste of money. Plus, I doubt any of them would want to do some recording sessions for a total of maybe 20 min of extra gameplay.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago