What didn't you like about the game?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

I figure this:

-The game is not really short, it is only short because we wanted more. We expected too much when easily this movie has 2 maybe 3 times the dialogue of any movie. We expected too much from it. The game runs a good 10 hours which is how most games are today. If it was too long, some might say it went on forever.

No don't give me this bull that “if it was longer, it would have been better” because I just have one thing to say to that….Portal.

-Vigo….I also know it was just a joke and a homage, but….who said there was only one painting of Vigo?

-Meson Collider. I too indeed thought it was more or less useless. It just didn't do as much damage as I expected. I mean in the demo shown by Mark Randall, it looked like it was most powerful blaster on the pack, but the features were only set to multiplayer. True it is more useful in multiplayer, but as everyone said, it would have been better if it had more uses in the campaign field.

-I don't really care much for “keeping all upgrades as I start new campaign.” In fact, I would always play a game from the very beginning anyway even if I could start with all the upgrades. No fun if you start the game already fully loaded.

-All voice work was fine to me. No complaints. Though I do wish the one line “As far as peter and women go, I think he is more into flesh, muscle tissue and a beating heart” would have stayed in instead of “I don't think he would.” The other line was way funnier.


I was wondering for possible DLC ideas would allow us to be able to play the final scene from Ghostbusters 1 and 2 on a map a fight with Gozer.

It wouldn't be exact, but can you imagine fighting some ghosts for a while like in Survival, then the scene opens up like the doors on Dana's Apartment temple to open and you fight gozer and Stay-Puft. Same for Vigo.

by Mr.Jakeobs

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;149738
I figure this:

-The game is not really short, it is only short because we wanted more. We expected too much when easily this movie has 2 maybe 3 times the dialogue of any movie. We expected too much from it. The game runs a good 10 hours which is how most games are today. If it was too long, some might say it went on forever.

No don't give me this bull that “if it was longer, it would have been better” because I just have one thing to say to that….Portal.

-Vigo….I also know it was just a joke and a homage, but….who said there was only one painting of Vigo?

-Meson Collider. I too indeed thought it was more or less useless. It just didn't do as much damage as I expected. I mean in the demo shown by Mark Randall, it looked like it was most powerful blaster on the pack, but the features were only set to multiplayer. True it is more useful in multiplayer, but as everyone said, it would have been better if it had more uses in the campaign field.

-I don't really care much for “keeping all upgrades as I start new campaign.” In fact, I would always play a game from the very beginning anyway even if I could start with all the upgrades. No fun if you start the game already fully loaded.

-All voice work was fine to me. No complaints. Though I do wish the one line “As far as peter and women go, I think he is more into flesh, muscle tissue and a beating heart” would have stayed in instead of “I don't think he would.” The other line was way funnier.


I was wondering for possible DLC ideas would allow us to be able to play the final scene from Ghostbusters 1 and 2 on a map a fight with Gozer.

It wouldn't be exact, but can you imagine fighting some ghosts for a while like in Survival, then the scene opens up like the doors on Dana's Apartment temple to open and you fight gozer and Stay-Puft. Same for Vigo.

- The game was short. Like 7 hours if you get lost on certain levels short if you remove all the cut scenes. However, length cannot be held against the game because of how much awesome was crammed into it. It only fell apart at the end due to cut content that probably would have strengthened the endgame.

- The Vigo painting was a fun and stupid cameo. Reading into it beyond that is redundant and foolish.

- The Meson collider's best use was that it destroyed the enviorment faster and easier than the proton pack. I think that's pretty funny, unintentionally of course.

- Starting the game with all upgrades means you can just fly through the plot and have fun without having to look for artifacts or worrying about things as much. I love doing this in God of War and other games.

- DLC that involved new voice-overs would be really stupid as if they are going to bring the cast together again for something other than a sequel, it would be a waste of money. Plus, I doubt any of them would want to do some recording sessions for a total of maybe 20 min of extra gameplay.

Rather DLC should stick to minor things that can enhance the game. Like RGB jumpsuits or new multiplayer maps or free-bust mode in Single Player where its just you comepleting ghost busting challanges through the various levels of the game. Nothing fancy, but certainly doable on a realistic scale.

by Verdic

15 years, 8 months ago

Just thought i'd interject and say it's extremely disappointing to see Ghostheads posting more in the “What didn't you like about the game” thread than the “What did you LOVE about the game?” thread. It kinda makes me feel like no matter what TR would have done all of you would have complained. Stop me if i'm wrong here, but I thought i'd throw that little chestnut in for discussion.

by ParkBench

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, I think overall everyone loved the game, so there are not just a few things people could say they loved because they liked the majority of it. Where as with this, there are just a few things each person can point out they did not like.

I agree with this completley. The only thing I didn't like was It ended far too soon :-(

I understand it been short though as it did play like a 3rd movie, it's just I'd have appreciated more game modes. Even if, instead of having to re-do a “mission” you could just return to the locations and shoot random standard ghosts without the plot line. This would have done me. I don't like to replay games, so although I thoroughly enjoyed the play through, there is nothing to make me continue on with the game now as my only option is to repeat things I've already done.

It's like GTA, personally I never played through the stories, it was just fun to go around doing things, and that's waht this game needed. Just a bit of free roam with lots of ghosts too bust after the actual game.

Here is hoping for some good downloadable content. Like you, that was my most wanted mode and I so hope its on its way to Xbox live to download. Plus, then hopefully you can play as one of the 4 guys!

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

God Him/Her/Itself could make a video game and there would still be people complaining about it.

I don't care what other people thought of the game, I loved it. Plain & Simple.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 8 months ago

Just thought i'd interject and say it's extremely disappointing to see Ghostheads posting more in the “What didn't you like about the game” thread than the “What did you LOVE about the game?” thread. It kinda makes me feel like no matter what TR would have done all of you would have complained. Stop me if i'm wrong here, but I thought i'd throw that little chestnut in for discussion.

Terminal Reality is a business that makes money by developing software and selling it to consumers… The people that worked on this game got paid lots of money to do so… Their feelings won't be hurt if people don't love the game and just ignore all of the things wrong with it… It's how they become a better company…

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

And it's better for them to know what we did not like as they might do a sequel…

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

- DLC that involved new voice-overs would be really stupid as if they are going to bring the cast together again for something other than a sequel, it would be a waste of money. Plus, I doubt any of them would want to do some recording sessions for a total of maybe 20 min of extra gameplay.

Ah, young grasshopper… but what if they've already recorded said extra DLC voiceover content? Hmmm?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I agree, If we list all the stuff that we didn't like, I am sure when TR gets to working on the sequel (because, we all know they will) then they can look at this thread and see a compressive (sorta) list of things to fix in the next game.

I personally think the reason there are so many dislike posts then like posts was because TR was under tremendous stress from the fan community to make a kick ass game (which they did)…there were obviously going to be people that are not going to like something about it…

by GB2

15 years, 8 months ago

I wish i could have created my own character and not use the rookie who was already created for you. That was really my only problem. I'm a hardcore gamer so I expect a lot from a game so with a gb game how can I find any faults in it at all? It's a game we have been waiting forever for.