What didn't you like about the game?

by Whisk

15 years, 8 months ago

Really great game TR, I was more than impressed, lots of homage to the movies.

Things I wasnt too stoked about:

-Too much reviving downed characters, especially on Professional Difficulty
-Some cheap knockbacks
-No gozer, no terror dogs, no scolari bros
-ending was so-so but Egon's one liner made up for it
-crappy credits, weird choice of music
-long reload for checkpoint
-not enough ghost trapping
-pre-rendered in-game scenes looked so-so
-a little short, needed one more level at least
-the spider boss
-upgrades were too cheap and easy to buy
-only one data save on HD

The game is an absolute blast though. I easily overlooked the faults. Thanks again for making this dream game come true!

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

The one save mode does REALLY suck. I don't know why they went with that route?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I do think that the whole “trapping ghost” aspect of the game broke down towards the end as you were destroying more ghosts then capturing towards the end..

Also thought the whole “earning money in order to buy upgrades” broke down towards the end as well since you earn all the upgrades by 1/2 through the game so there was no longer any reason to earn money

by Trekkie2063

15 years, 8 months ago

Actually, technically, Gozer was there. Gozer took on the form of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, just as he did in the first movie.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Actually, technically, Gozer was there. Gozer took on the form of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, just as he did in the first movie.

There are hints present in the game that Stay Puft may not have been Gozer himself…but nothing straight out said.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

- The game was short. Like 7 hours if you get lost on certain levels short if you remove all the cut scenes. However, length cannot be held against the game because of how much awesome was crammed into it. It only fell apart at the end due to cut content that probably would have strengthened the endgame.

- The Vigo painting was a fun and stupid cameo. Reading into it beyond that is redundant and foolish.

- The Meson collider's best use was that it destroyed the enviorment faster and easier than the proton pack. I think that's pretty funny, unintentionally of course.

- Starting the game with all upgrades means you can just fly through the plot and have fun without having to look for artifacts or worrying about things as much. I love doing this in God of War and other games.

- DLC that involved new voice-overs would be really stupid as if they are going to bring the cast together again for something other than a sequel, it would be a waste of money. Plus, I doubt any of them would want to do some recording sessions for a total of maybe 20 min of extra gameplay.

Rather DLC should stick to minor things that can enhance the game. Like RGB jumpsuits or new multiplayer maps or free-bust mode in Single Player where its just you comepleting ghost busting challanges through the various levels of the game. Nothing fancy, but certainly doable on a realistic scale.

-The game was not 7 hours long. I only got stuck once and I began the game at 3:00pm and ended at 3:00 am. If you think it was short, it was only because you burned through it not really taking in to the good stuff the game has.

The problem with gamers today is that they are so eager to beat everything so fast that they neglect everything else.

-Well EXCUSE ME if I like to have an ACTIVE IMAGINATION. Another thing wrong with today's generation. You are the foolish and stupid one because you can't play along with anything. If being realistic means being stupid, rude and mean, then I rather be foolish and continue to have a good imagination. It was a joke BTW.

-The mason collider was so-so. Had no real use, but it was good in multiplayer. Nothing to do about property destruction. I could do anything with any other equipment.

-Starting the game at full strength takes all the fun away. What's the point if I can beat all the early levels without even blinking. That is not what games are made for. I don't care if God of War is the best game ever, it blows to start the game at full strength only to say that you can beat anything in the beginning levels.

-No one said anything about new dialogue or anything of that matter. The multiplayer uses little to no dialogue at all. Which means this is a multplayer match. Which means you add in your own dialogue if you want to. I didn't say it was part of the campaign.

by Snicker

15 years, 8 months ago

I finished the game after about 8 hours of gameplay. I took it slow and steady, played in the firehouse after every mission (listened to every voice mail, etc), and while I thoroughly enjoyed it, I did find a few issues that annoyed me greatly:
The single-save issue. Can't say this enough: Let the player decide when to save! I don't mind an on-going autosave, but I really wanted to restart certain missions.
The PC version keeping record of all damage done (and money earned) even if you had to restart a mission (dunno if that was the same on all versions). I ended up with over $450k of damage in Times Square because I kept hitting the busses and getting whacked by super-hobo-ghosts and having to restart the mission. I would have liked if you could only use the money at the firehouse, and only if your earnings exceeded your damage claims. And then KEEP the upgrades, etc, after you've completed the game.
Lack of multi-player or short bust-a-ghost missions. The short bust-a-ghost stuff would have been useful for raising extra cash should your damage claims been …. excessive.
All that talk about the super slammer, and it gets used exactly once… Kind of a let down.
Right after entering the central park graveyard, they send the rookie ahead alone to open the gate. So the rookie runs all the way around the graveyard… But Ray just jumps the fence and is at the same place in one hop. WTF??
It did feel rather short, and I've played a lot of games. Given the price point however (about half of current games for the PC version) I felt that I got more than my money's worth, and have already recommended it to all my friends.

by HannibalKing

15 years, 8 months ago

The only thing I disliked was that the theme didn't play longer during the end credits, but that is completely understandable for a video game and hell, I can just make a video to please me.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 8 months ago

The only thing I disliked was that the theme didn't play longer during the end credits, but that is completely understandable for a video game and hell, I can just make a video to please me.

I would have like for the dialogue used in the end credits to have been used in a longer version of the end cinematic…Or at the very least a short viginette that ran under the credits…


by ilikethecoke

15 years, 8 months ago

I would have like for the dialogue used in the end credits to have been used in a longer version of the end cinematic…Or at the very least a short viginette that ran under the credits…


If you mean the bit about the team having the Rookie starting a new division of Ghostbusters, that is part of the Wii version's ending cinema.