What do you feel about creating a ghostbuster game?

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

oh just like to say that the makers of a current ghostbuster game Zootfly,
cannot bring out the game because they developed it for xbox360 and Sony own the rights to the film, they said sorry but NO!!


Wow, now i know you just want attention…

1) Sony sold the rights to make a game to universal http://protoncharging.com/gb/2007/02/02/aykroyd-says-hes-involved-in-gb-video-game/
2) Just b/c sony owns the rights to the franchise doesn't mean they wouldn't allow it to be sold on other systems, just take a look at another sony owned franchise Spider-man.
3) Just because you want to make a game doesn't mean you can, at least not with licensed characters. it's a massive financial undertaking that only large companies (like universal) would flip the bill for. look at Sebastien and his 88MPH series as an example.
4)Like i've said before, we've been down this road before and it didn't manifest into anything. You tell me who you work for then i'll start believing you.

sorry to everyone else, but i'm getting tired of people coming on here with half- baked ideas or saying they work for a big time company just to fizzle out once they get the attention they crave.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 3 months ago

No one said what they would like to see in it….?

Come on, you're on a message board, don't tell me you didn't browse anything… If you - a “serious person who's working on a project” - know about this site, enough to become a member, that's probably because you have found interresting ideas in it. Potential. Don't tell me you didn't read anything or I'll say that you like to play with words like politicians :-)

And pls, I'm not saying that you're copying what the GBfans made here (last time, some confusion banned me! :-@ )
Well, people read what they want to read.

If you're asking for direction, here what I suggest




Those contain infos of what we would like to see in a game, specialy me :p

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

Couldnt have said it better myself, and to add to it here's a link to another person who said he was trying to work on a GB game and nothing happened


by disturbed140

17 years, 3 months ago


im not saying im going to make a GB game, i am a game designer i come up with concepts, with each project i work on i research, this is a tiny part of my research, i dont want to annoy anyone and i dont need anyones attention, if anything i was asking for help from people who best know the films, people who would be interested in buying a Gb game.

Fans like you would be the first to slag off any GB game that got something wrong, agree?

Thanks NewRecruit you have helped.

Im not suprised other people have suggested or stated that there designing a GB game, its a brilliant conecpt

by 9sam11

17 years, 3 months ago

Why the fuck would we want a GB video game? Seriously ill tell you the same thing i told the guy who was making GB3 and the dudes who where creating a new cartoon and toys. GHOSTBUSTERS FANS DONT WANT ANY SORT OF NEW THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO GHOSTBUSTERS.

how hard is that to understand , gah.

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

Why the f*ck would we want a GB video game? Seriously ill tell you the same thing i told the guy who was making GB3 and the dudes who where creating a new cartoon and toys. GHOSTBUSTERS FANS DONT WANT ANY SORT OF NEW THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO GHOSTBUSTERS.

how hard is that to understand , gah.

i wouldn't go so far as to say that, i'd say we want something that's real like the zootfly game, not someone coming on here wanting to get ideas. we've had threads like this before, just read those to get ideas that you probably won't use, unless you work for zootfly which seems unlikely after that ridiculously stupid comment you made about them earlier.

p.s. i know i sound really mean, but after that comment with zootfly you come off to me as someone who doesn't look into things before you post and that really annoys me, considering you want ideas for a GB game yet it seems zootfly has a excellent idea going for them…

by DarkfireTaimatsu

17 years, 3 months ago

…I don't get it. Why would fans not want something new?

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 3 months ago

Did you guys actually not pick up on his sarcasm? Come on, it was pretty blatant.

by 9sam11

17 years, 3 months ago

lol… ive lost all hope in you guys.

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

lol… ive lost all hope in you guys.
I think I understand what you mean.

Is it because you think by making more Ghostbusters stuff it could ruin the last image they left?

For example the way GB II ended is the way it should be left, no more because it could potently wreck the lasting image GB II left.