oh just like to say that the makers of a current ghostbuster game Zootfly,
cannot bring out the game because they developed it for xbox360 and Sony own the rights to the film, they said sorry but NO!!
Wow, now i know you just want attention…
1) Sony sold the rights to make a game to universal http://protoncharging.com/gb/2007/02/02/aykroyd-says-hes-involved-in-gb-video-game/
2) Just b/c sony owns the rights to the franchise doesn't mean they wouldn't allow it to be sold on other systems, just take a look at another sony owned franchise Spider-man.
3) Just because you want to make a game doesn't mean you can, at least not with licensed characters. it's a massive financial undertaking that only large companies (like universal) would flip the bill for. look at Sebastien and his 88MPH series as an example.
4)Like i've said before, we've been down this road before and it didn't manifest into anything. You tell me who you work for then i'll start believing you.
sorry to everyone else, but i'm getting tired of people coming on here with half- baked ideas or saying they work for a big time company just to fizzle out once they get the attention they crave.