What do you want in the comic?

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 6 months ago

To keep this topic fresh, Mr. Jacobs, that is a pretty good idea you came up with.

by Mr.Jacobs

21 years, 6 months ago

Which one?

by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 6 months ago

A ghost-based PETA type org would be a neat plot point. I can only begin to imagine how Peter would react! Make his blood boil fer sure.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 6 months ago

Mr. Jacobs: Your idea about the Military snooping around. That was the idea you mentioned that I thought was cool.

by XTremeLurker

21 years, 6 months ago

I'd also love to see interaction between the Ghostbusters and Government figures, or the military. Both the GBs and the Government figures would be suspicious of each other, but sometimes would need each other's help on various jobs.

It would also be interesting to see an interaction between the GBs and the NY cops, whether the cops would pass over some of their more weird stuff to the GBs as they did in the film.

What kind of stories would people like to see in the comics? I'd love to see some geniunely scary ghost stuff, maybe with a few genuine historical mysteries thrown in to boot.

I was browsing a ‘History of New York’ website, and there are some real delapidated prisons and hospitals that look so eerie that they just beg to have a ghostbusters storyline attached to them somehow.

by Mr.Jacobs

21 years, 6 months ago

Personally, I think it would be pretty funny if the EGB guys made a cameo in an Issue or two. You know Eduardo and Roland call in a haunted rec center when a ghost ruins the basketball game or something in the beggining of the issue. Or Kylie has bit part about being a huge fan and sends in a bunch of letters every once in a while (kinda like the ghost PETA. It wouldn't be a main point in an arc it would just be a minor occurence every few issues.)

Oh, And I like the NYPD idea they made a PERFECT character in RGB, that detective guy in the “headless motorcyclist” ep. he was great and they should bring him back (or someone like him)

Heh, what if they were called into Columbia U. for a bust only to run into Dean Yager :-) (^_^). that would be hysterical to see Pete mouthing off to him.

by protoK

21 years, 6 months ago

that would be hillarious to see dean yeager

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 6 months ago

Same here. Then Peter can rub it in his face. Now that would too funny for words.

by DocFritz

21 years, 6 months ago

Oh, And I like the NYPD idea they made a PERFECT character in RGB, that detective guy in the “headless motorcyclist” ep. he was great and they should bring him back (or someone like him)

Inspector Frump!!! I love that idea!!! Frump was gruff and annoying, and he clearly didn't like any of the Ghostbusters (especially Venkman) very much, but at his core he was a good cop trying to do the right thing. I know Sheila Paulson used him to great effect in some of her fan fics (and I used him briefly in Terror on the Jersey Turnpike (about the only problem I could find is some people might think he's a ripoff of Harvey Bullock :-) )

The EGB characters? Hm…itrigues me, but sets off my “possible crapstorm” sense…

by DocFritz

21 years, 6 months ago

RGB was like by a lot more fans than EGB. Most fans would file some slight RGB nods as welcome allusiion to a show they loved. EGB references would remind them of a show most of them hated.

That's what I meant.