What do you want in the comic?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

Fanku Kaibutsu, you deserve a pat on the back. You've brought up many excellent ideas that SHOULD be used in the new comic. You da' Ghosthead.

No ECTO-2. No ECTO-3. Although ECTO-4 would be nice to see sometime down the road, maybe. But definitely not those first two I mentioned. They seemed a little too far-fetched. Especially considering that the guys probably wouldn't have all that much use for them, anyway.

Taking characters/episodes from RGB and modernizing them for the new comic would be GREAT! Characters/Ghosts/Monsters I'd like to see:

Charlie Venkman (Peter's Conman Dad)
Inspecter Frump (The Police Lieutenant who always gave the guys trouble. Sort of like a Harvey Bullock rip-off. :p )
Walter J. Peck (The Movie version, only. Not the way he was on RGB.)
The Headless Motorcyclist
Casey Jones
The Earps
The Boogieman
The Sandman

Episodes I'd like to see:
No One Comes To Lupusville
Egon's Ghost
The Boogieman Cometh
Mr. Sandman, Dream Me A Dream
When Halloween Was Forever
X-Mas Marks The Spot
Halloween II 1/2 (Without the Jr. Ghostbusters. :p )
The Bogeyman Is Back (Without the Jr. Ghostbusters. :p )

It would be cool to see how these situations would be in the comic.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

Fanku, that idea about a love-triangle involving Egon/Janine/Another woman sounds like an excellent idea! Kinda creates a bit of suspense there. Good thinking! Cuz it wasn't really determined in the film that Egon liked Janine in that way……..he'd have to make a choice.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

Fanku, that idea about a love-triangle involving Egon/Janine/Another woman sounds like an excellent idea! Kinda creates a bit of suspense there. Good thinking! Cuz it wasn't really determined in the film that Egon liked Janine in that way……..he'd have to make a choice.

I think it should be you.

by lordvego1

21 years, 5 months ago

a little off topic here: this is my largest topic ever..lol

but anyway, i wanna know who the new artist is really freaking bad.. they are announcing this week i think the site said

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

a little off topic here: this is my largest topic ever..lol

but anyway, i wanna know who the new artist is really freaking bad.. they are announcing this week i think the site said

We'll have at least until Sunday. Because Sunday is next week (Well, the beginning at least. :p ). :-)

by FankuKaibutsu

21 years, 5 months ago

Dr. Riddle
Although ECTO-4 would be nice to see sometime down the road, maybe.

What was Ecto 4? I remember Ecto-2 being a helicopter, and ecto-3 being a stupid unicycle thing, but I don't recall an Ecto-4.

And who was that fraudulent medium guy in RGB? He was in Aunt Lois's Ghost and the one with Venkman's dad and the monster in black ice? Bassin-something? He'd be an entertaining character for the comic as well.

edit: I hate messageboard code

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

Fanku Kaibutsu
What was Ecto 4? I remember Ecto-2 being a helicopter, and ecto-3 being a stupid unicycle thing, but I don't recall an Ecto-4.

And who was that fraudulent medium guy in RGB? He was in Aunt Lois's Ghost and the one with Venkman's dad and the monster in black ice? Bassin-something? He'd be an entertaining character for the comic as well.

ECTO-4 was a small Gyrowing Aircraft designed and built by Dr. Egon Spengler in NOW's RGB Comics. It can hold it's pilot and at least four passengers. It’s equipped with a proton canon, but it's real jewel is the built-in Transdimensional Drive, an evolution of Egons' earlier Dimensional Gate technologies (From Egon's Ghost and The Copycat.). The drive is hideously expensive to build and operate, however. Egon was the main pilot, but Venkman did fly it on one occasion (And nearly got eaten by a dinosaur in the process.). I HIGHLY doubt we'd see that, but it sounds really cool to me.

The medium was Dr. Alfred Bassingham.

by FankuKaibutsu

21 years, 5 months ago

I was watching the Ghostbusters DVD today(having just bought it yesterday), and I noticed the movie left a lot of questions about Gozer and Ivo Shandor's cult unanswered, that I think it would be cool if they answered in the comic, such as:

-Why did Gozer come to Earth? Does Gozer come to Earth on a regular schedule(say, every 3,600 years) or, does s/he have to be summoned by ‘sub-creatures’? If s/he has to be summoned, who was responsible this time?

-How did Ivo Shandor find out about Gozer, in addition to the rituals and temple construction needed to summon her/him? Was it from an ancient arabian book about dark gods?

-What about his cult? It had over 1,000 members when he died. Did the cult die too, or does it still exist today? If it still exists, were they responsible for summoning Gozer? Maybe Walter Peck is a member of this cult, which is why he was so hellbent on getting at the containment unit.

-What, if anything, does all this have to do with a certain horror writer from Ivo Shandor's time, who wrote about secret doomsday cults, ancient arabian books of dark magic, and summoning elder gods?